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All Pagans (Wiccans included) believe in god. Most of them believe in more than one, and we include goddesses too. Deity, the power of creation, the energy of the universe, whatever you choose to call it, in whatever form or forms you see it in is a fundamental part of our spiritual paths, no matter how diverse those paths may be.

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Yes, many of them. They even believe in the Abrahamic god.

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Q: Do Wiccans believe in God
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Does Wiccan believe in God?

Some Wiccans do. This is left to each individual to determine. Some perceive supernatural events and hidden "powers" to be those which can be cultivated. Others perceive these to be flowing from God. Still others believe even more differently than that.

What do wiccans call their god?

The horned god.

Do wickens believe in god?

Most Wiccans believe that the Divine is split into two dual parts...the masculine (God) and the feminine (Goddess). However some believe that Wicca is a monotheistic which means they believe in one Divine being but it is usually referred to as the Great Spirit which connects all things. Some Wiccans go as far as being Polytheistic where they believe in multiple Gods and Goddesses much like the ancient egyptians and celts.

Do wicca worship Jesus?

NO! wiccans do not worship Jesus. that's christians. we have our own goddess and god and believe that they are in nature therefore we worship nature.

Is there a greek god of spells?

No, the ancient Greeks were not Wiccans.

Do wiccans believe in mothman?

some might, but not all.

Who prays to the horned god?

the wiccans or satanists, if referring to Satan

Do Wiccans worship Lucifer?

Lucifer is a fallen angel found in the Abrahamic religions. Wiccans are a branch of Paganism. Pagans do not follow the Abrahamic teachings and do not even believe in the existence of Lucifer. Therefore, Wiccans do not worship Lucifer.

When do Wiccans celebrate the birth of the Pagan goddess Inanna?

The Goddess is Eternal. It is the God who is reborn.

Where do wiccans go when they die?

Wiccans believe that at the perfection of the life force, after the completion of the cycle of rebirth, the life force goes to the Summer-land to join with the higher forces of the universe. The simple belief is that the soul goes to the Summer-land after the death. Many Wiccans also believe that we are reborn after the death to learn new lessons for the constant improvement.

What is the difference between christian and wicca?

Wiccans revere the nature while Christians worship a creator. There are priests and Followers of Christianity while Wiccans be their own priests and priestesses. There is a God and a Goddess in Wicca while there is only one God in Christianity. Christianity teaches about an eternal salvation only possible through Christianity while many Wiccans believe rebirth and "Continuous Development" of spirit, while some other Wiccans believe on Summerland where people who has done good work in this life go after their death regardless of their religious belief.

Do wiccans have gaurdians?

Many Wiccans do believe in having various different guardians ranging from gnomes and fairies, to animal spirits and guardian angels/spirits. Although many do accept them, there are some that do not.