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Q: Do a low metabolism make you lose a muscle?
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Do high protein low fat foods help you lose weight?

High protein low fat foods do help you to lose weight. These diets tend to leave you feeling full and the extra protein helps to burn more fat. High protein tends to build your muscle mass and muscle contributes to burning even more calories, and speeding up your metabolism.

Is it true if you have a low metabolism then you will never be able to lose weight?

I strongly believe that metabolism rate plays a vital role in our weight issues, basically metabolism determines the rate at which body converts food and drink into energy. Here there is a chance to get less weight loss with low metabolism rate when we compared that of high metabolism rate.

How do I lose and gain weight and muscle?

Maintaining a high protein low fat diet with a good exercise plan will help you to gain muscle but lose fat. This is what most people do in order to achieve just what you want.

Do children lose weight faster than adults?

Ultimately, it depends on the diet. If you're overeating you won't lose weight even if you are a kid. When we have low metabolism rate, body cannot burn more calories, high metabolism helps us to burn more calories. Children have fast metabolism rate when we compared to adults and teenagers. That is the reason children lose weight faster than adults.

What causes low metabolism?

Answer: Sitting around and eating doing less exercise then normal

If your body fat is already low is it harder to lose weight?

if your body fat is already low losing more weight is dangerous and can be deadly. your body needs fat. you need to gain weight not lose weight. remember muscle weights more than fat so if you must lose more weight be a little more lazier and lose muscle tone but in my opipion that is dumb

Do green tea body capsules work?

Green tea is known to speed up our metabolism. In this way, they can help you lose weight when combined with a low carbohydrate, low sugar diet.

Does seaweed help you lose weight?

Depends how you define 'helping you lose weight'. It doesn't boost your metabolism, nor does it make you magically lose fat. But it is a great thing to eat on a diet. It has good nutritional values and low calories, which makes your body feel full without your body absorbing too many calories.

How does glycogenolysis affect fitness and metabolism?

As glycogenolysis is key in helping the body break down foods for energy processing, it is important for one to have a stable metabolism. For those maintaining a low carbohydrate/high protein diet, there isn't enough balance in the body's nutrients to maintain a healthy balance. Glycogenolysis can aid in the depletion of muscle rather than the building of muscle. Loss of muscle tone can lower your rate of metabolism, which is counter effective in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

What is low metabolizer?

A low metabolism is of course, the opposite of a high metabolism. If you have a low metabolism, your body processes food a lot slower than a high metabolism, so you gain weight a lot easier and faster. It's also hard to work of the fat.

What does it mean if you eat all the time and still lose weight?

high metabolism or low-calorie diet accompanied by exercise - could also be a serious thyroid condition

How do you lose 10 kg in 1 month?

It depends on your metabolic rate. 1 pound = 3500 calories...starving yourself slows the metabolic rate and can make it harder to lose weight. Also, if you lose weight too quickly, you lose muscle. When you lose muscle, even when you begin to eat regularly again will cause your metabolic rate to slow as muscle burns more calories (even during resting) than fat.