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air, through diffusion of the dissolved oxygen in the water (however, they can survive anaerobically for some time as well)

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Q: Do acorn barnacles breathe in air or water?
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Can sea otters breathe under water?

Otters can't breathe under water. They're mammals, they breathe air, with lungs. When they dive, they hold their breath.

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They use a blow hole to breathe in/out air when the surface the water.

Can a dolphin breathe in and out of air and water?

Dolphins are mammals. They breathe air with lungs, pretty much just like you and I. They can't breathe water. When they dive they hold their breath.

How do bettas breathe?

Betta fish breathe air....yes... that's right... they breathe air. They breathe air because they have an organ by their gills that is called the Labyrinth's Organ which allows them to breathe air. They breathe air by coming up to the surface of the water. Then they gather air in their mouths and hold their breath underwater.

What happens to a fish if you breathe into its gills?

That is where it breathe in water and if you blew air into its gill you would drown it in air

How do otters get air?

They go to the surface of the water and breathe the air.

Is water in the oxygen you breathe?

What we breathe is air, and oxygen is just 20% of the air. Oxygen does not contain water, it is an element and it contains only itself. However, air does contain some water vapor.

Can their be volvox in the air you breathe?

no. they live in water

What does the air we breathe contain?

The air we breathe out contains a lot of stuff and the list would be exhaustive, but the main components in the air we breathe out are nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor.

Can sharks breathe air?

No. Sharks are fish, they breathe water through their gills.