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no butterflies do not get bigger as they grow older

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Q: Do adult monarch butterflies grow larger?
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How do monarch butterflies have babies?

butterfly fish reproduce by laying eggs in the sea

What insect goes through Metamorfosis to grow up to an Adult?

Butterflies do

What do the baby monarch butterflies look like?

Monarch butterfly caterpillars are yellow, black, and white striped and grow to be about two inches long before they pupate.

How long it take for the butterflies to become an adult?

never, butterflies are immortal just like peter pan THEY NEVER GROW UP

What benefits to society has the monarch butterflies offer?

Every year, millions of Monarch Butterflies migrate from southern Canada to Mexico, and each of them will pollenate millions of flowers, since the main diet of M. Butterflies is nectar. A few butterflies will carry pollen with them to Mexico, where they will in turn, fertilize the the plants with the pollen the are carrying.

How does the Monarch Butterfly move?

The Monarch butterfly, in common with most butterflies, has wings. These wings enable it to fly from place to place. Butterflies can also make trans-genreational journeys where the adult flies to a location, lays eggs, these hatch, grow, pupate and the next generation of adults then continue with their journey.

How are butterflies different from humans?

Apart from the obvious differences: Butterflies begin their life as caterpillars, then pupate and emerges as a winged adult. Humans begin life as a baby and grow in to an adult without the radical pupate change that affects butterflies.

How big is the respiratory?

The size of your respiratory system depends on how big you are. It gradually gets larger as you grow from an infant to an adult.

How do butterflies use energy and nutrients?

Adult butterflies do not eat plants but live on fluid nutrients gathered from flowering plants. Different species of butterflies favor different flowers. The flowers they feed on can grow on plants, shrubs, vines or trees. It is the caterpillar (larval stage of butterfly life cycle) that eats various parts of plants where its larvae will hatch. Nowadays, keeping a butterfly garden is quite a hobby wherein one can grow nectar-rich flower plants, provide host plants in the garden for the adult butterfly to lay its eggs and nurture its consequent life cycle. At the end of it, that's a garden full of vibrantly colored butterflies you will have!

What is the surface area for the respiratory system?

The size of your respiratory system depends on how big you are. It gradually gets larger as you grow from an infant to an adult.

Do furby babies grow into adult furbys?

did you grow up into an adult , I am not the same person who posted the answer on top but they do NOT grow up into an adult furby. Toys cannot grow.

Why are the milkweed threatened?

Milkweed plants are threatened primarily due to habitat loss, agricultural practices, and the use of herbicides. Loss of habitat reduces the availability of suitable areas for milkweed to grow, leading to declines in populations. Additionally, milkweed is a primary food source for monarch butterflies, and the decline in milkweed plants has contributed to the decline in monarch butterfly populations.