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Q: Do air particles decrease in size?
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How does our pollution decrease the quality of air?

Pollution effects our air because the particles of pollution gets into our air therefor decreasing the quality of air. We breathe it in and that effects our lungs.

How parachutes decrease terminal velocity?

There is more surface area for the air particles to hit making the weight to air resistance ratio unbalanced.

As moist air rises its temperature will what?

The air temperature rises when particles in the air begin to move faster. The energy of the motion of particles is called thermal energy.

When you get higher in the atmosphere does the Space between air particles decrease?

No. Pressure could be simplified to mean the "space between particles" and because gravity is always pulling those particles towards the earth, the further away from the earth you go, the less air particles there are and consiquently the more space there is.

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Does the movement of the particles increase or decrease wghile freezing?

The movement of particles decrease as temperature decreases, and vice versa. Therefore, they will decrease while freezing.

Do the movement of particles increase or decrease during condensation?


What are different ways to manipulate air pressure?

Five ways:Temperature (increase in temperature means increase in pressure.)Velocity (increase the speed means decrease in pressure.)Amount of air particles (more particles means more pressure.)Changing the container (More space means less pressure.)Altitude (increase in altitude means decrease in pressure.)

What causes air pollution to increase or decrease?

The population of a place, numerous vehicles, and a great size in factories.

How do you decrease air resistance?

Resitance of air varies based on: 1. Percentage content of moisture (higher the moisture, lesser the resistance) 2. Percentage content of suspended dust particles and conductivity of those suspended particles (higher the content, lesser the resistance)

How do air dusters work?

Air dusters compress air and make the dust flocculate. The process of flocculation is what makes the amount of dust particles in the air decrease; but infact, it just brings them together, just like H2 and O.