

How do air dusters work?

Updated: 10/21/2022
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13y ago

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Air dusters compress air and make the dust flocculate. The process of flocculation is what makes the amount of dust particles in the air decrease; but infact, it just brings them together, just like H2 and O.

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Air dusters don't quite remove allergens. They are mostly used to blow away dust and allergens off of a surface, like electronics. The allergens are still in the environment. An air filter would work better.

What are the effects of inhaling air dusters?

You get real effd up.

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The Dusters was created in 1986.

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Microfiber cloths remove dust without stirring it up and won't scratch furniture but they aren't good for dusting up high. Feather dusters might send dust back in the air . one with ostrich feathers is the best choice.

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Binghamton Dusters was created in 1977.

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Binghamton Dusters ended in 1980.

Which two materials should be used to clean the ram?

Use the air dusters that you use for your key board.

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Swiffer is a brand of dusters. They are used to clean one's house by removing dust from surfaces. Swiffer dusters claim to be better at picking up dust than standard feather dusters.

Which two materials should be used to clean the RAM module?

Use the air dusters that you use for your key board.

Who many 1974 Plymouth dusters where made?

281,378 dusters in 1974 were built.

What does flammable mean in air dusters for computers?

It means exactly the same as flammable but it is just in the air so if it gets in the air can cause a fire. I think that is what it could mean it might be wrong

Why are people huffing air duster?

People are huffing air duster because it can get you high. Because of this they have recently added a bitterant into the canned air dusters which causes a bitter taste in mouth.