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Q: Do air plants have stems and roots or are they just one big leaf?
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Related questions

What are main organs of plants?

Roots, stems and leaf

What are 3 principal organs of seed plants?

Root, stem and leaf

What roots do in transpiration?

No, roots do not transpire. Most transpiration occurs in the stems and the leaves of plants. The bigger the leaf, the more moisture will transpire from the plant.

What defines a succulent leaf?

Succulent plants store water in their leaves, stems and roots when it is available and save it for a drier time. They add texture and color to the garden.

What is the waxy waterproof layer that covers the leaves and stems of most plants?

The waxy waterproof layer that cover most plant leaves and stems is called a cuticle. The cuticle is thicker on the upper half of a leaf's surface, and it is waterproof so as the internal areas of the leaf are kept secure from flooding, That's why you water plants at the roots.

What are grass characteristics?

=have several main roots of the same size..=leaves make a big part of grass plants,,=most grasses have short stems covered by leaf bases..=grasses are efficient in photosynthesis

What is the advantage of the chloroplast of the leaf?

a leaf shines directly on the sun and can get to air easily other than roots and stems

What has broad green-leaf plants with thick juicy pink stems?

A broad green leaf like plant with thick juicy pink stems are called.........

Where the food is stored in plants?

The actual answer is the leaf. The leaf is the storage home of the food inside plants. The roots suck the food. But it gets stored in the leaf.

What part of a plant takes in sunlight and water?

A plant leaf takes in sunlight while it's roots take in water. More over, air enters the leaf though openings called stomata, on some other plants air enters through lenticel - an airy aggregation of cells within the structural surfaces of the stems, roots, and other parts of vascular plants

What is a leafy plant with no true roots no stems and rhizoids that grow into the soil from the leaf- like structure?


Which part of a plant produces new material 'food' for growth?

it is leaves