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No, they just purify the air. Black mould is caused by condensation. Its cold outdoors, but warm indoors with the central heating and stuff so that cause condensation and damp which leads to black mould.

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Q: Do air purifiers eliminate black mold?
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Do air purifiers grow mold?

No. Though the better the air purifier, the better protection against mold growing elsewhere.

What is the best air purifier for allergies?

The best air purifiers are UV purifiers. This will not only eliminate the dust and other air particles in the air but also the some disease germs as well.

What is the purpose of rabbit air purifiers?

Rabbit air purifiers provide convenient and unobtrusive air purification. Many Rabbit air purifiers include a HEPA filter which reduces particles including allergens, mold, bacteria, pollen, dust and pet hair.

Will air purifiers help with allergies?

Air purifiers are designed to clean the air by filtering out harmful particles and air pollutants like allergens, mold, pet dander pollution and dust.

Do all pruifiers remove mold spores?

The purifier would have to have the HEPA Air Filter in order for mold spores be removed. Most purifiers do contain this filter.

Air purifiers do they dry the air out?

Most air purifiers do so.

What kind of Air Purifier do I need?

The kind of air purifier that you need depends on the type of allergy that you need it for or the type of contaminant (mold, fungi, etc...) that you want to remove. Many people are satisfied with HEPA air purifiers for traditional home uses, while for removing mold or fungi, some suggest going with an ozone generator model. There are many different types of air purifiers on the market. In order to know which one is right for you, you can go to to compare a list of air purifiers and determine which one will benefit you most.

How do you clean air purifiers?

There are many ways to clean air purifiers. Typically, air purifiers can be cleaned by taking a soft and damp cloth and rubbing the whole air purifier with the cloth.

Why would a car need an ionic air purifier?

A car would need an ionic air purifier if the car's interior has a problem with bad odors on a regular basis. Ionic purifiers work better than fragrance sprays because they don't just mask the odors, the ionic air purifiers eliminate them.

How can you get rid of the mold odor in your bathroom sink drain?

Try Freshana Organic Solutions' 100% natural, organic, safe and effective cleaning products and air purifiers. They should take care of your mold odor no problem!!

Which companies offer filterless air purifiers?

Air purifiers that work without a filter are becoming increasingly popular. Companies offering filterless air purifiers include Boneco, Air Oasis and GROBAG Airfree.

Can air purifiers help stop the flu from spreading in a household?

Air purifiers will not stop the flu as it is not an airborne virus.