

Do algae eaters eat dead fish?

Updated: 12/9/2022
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12y ago

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yes algae eaters do eat dead fish because as i type this my algae eater is feasting on a dead goldfish!

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Q: Do algae eaters eat dead fish?
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it depends on the fish. some fish like algae eaters eat algae tablets. But there is also pellets and fish flakes sold at stores like petco or walmart

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they eat algae and dead fish

What to do with baby algae eaters?

Most of the time you can just leave them in the tank. The other fish will most likely leave them alone. You can feed them wafers with algae in them. They will also eat whatever your other algae eaters eat. I hope this answer helps!

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What do fish eat in lake?

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Many types of animals eat algae in freshwater. Snails, fish, bivalves and even birds are all common algae eaters.

Why does an algae eater eat a goldfish?

Because when a Algae Eater becomes fully grown it likes to eat the slime coat off the other fish. ( NOT all Algae eaters though) for example the Chinese Algae Eater WILL eat the slime coat off the other fish when it is fully grown.

Is it normal that your sucker fish wont eat the other fish poop in the tank?

You obviously did not do your homework when it comes to the fish you have and their needs. Sucker fish do not eat poop or rubbish. (No fish does that) They are tropical fish and they are algae eaters.