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No, not during Easter weeks. Catholics do abstain from meat during Lent, however.

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Q: Do all Christian believers resist eating meat on Fridays during Easter weeks?
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Related questions

When is it forbidden to eat meat during the Easter holiday?

There is no prohibition against eating meat on Easter. Abstinence only applies to Ash Wednesday and Fridays during Lent. On other Fridays one should also abstain or do some other form of penance or service.

Does Islam have a holy day during Christian Easter?

no Islam does not have any holy day during the Easter period.

Is there fasting during Easter season that being Easter Sunday through Pentecost?

No. Lent is the season of fasting in the Christian liturgical calendar. Easter is a season of rejoicing.

No meat on Fridays during Lent?

During Lent, Catholics traditionally abstain from eating meat on Fridays as a form of penance and remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice on Good Friday. This practice is meant to foster self-discipline, prayer, and reflection during the Lenten season. Fish and other seafood are often consumed as an alternative to meat on these days.

Which countries eat Lenten foods during Lent and or Easter?

Probably any countries with a Christian or Catholic population

Can you eat bolony on Fridays during Lent?

No, all warm blooded meat and products made from it are forbidden on Fridays.

Are there rules when it comes to fasting in catholic religion?

Catholics are required to fast one hour before receiving communion. Also, during Lent, it is asked to abstain from eating meat on Fridays as a sign of repentance and preparation for Easter.

On Fridays during Lent Catholics what from meat?


What days are we not to eat meat?

Fridays during Lent.

On fridays during Lent catholics should what from meat?


Is bacon allowed during Lent?

Yes it is allowed during Lent. All meat is allowed during Lent except during holy days or feast days which are Fridays, Ash Wednesday and for some who strictly follow the last week of Lent or Holy Week beginning Palm Sunday ending Good Friday before Easter.

Today Is it okay to eat meat on Fridays during lent in 2011?

If you are Catholic, you are bound by Catholic discipline. Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence and we cannot eat meat, this has not changed.