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Not all teens hate their parents. In fact, most love their parents and really enjoy having "family time". The "I-hate-my-parents-phase" isn't actually hatred, your teen just thinks that it is cool to not hang out and enjoy their parents and they are trying to be accepted by their peers as "cool and independent". So, no your teenage children love you to death.

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6mo ago

No, not all teens hate their parents. It's common for teens to go through periods of conflict or frustration with their parents as part of their development and assertion of independence. However, many teens also have healthy and loving relationships with their parents during this stage. It is generally considered a phase that can improve with open communication and understanding.

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Q: Do all TEENS hate their parents.. is it just a phase?
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Do children actually hate their parents when they say they do?

Most often they don't hate their parents. They hate them when something does not go their way ! They hate them when they have to be in earlier than what they hoped for ! They hate them when they are woken up for school or work ! Do you understand what I am saying ? It is not the parents they hate, it is what they are being asked to do that they hate. Most kids love their parents. No! there just so mad at there parents that they just can't dill with them so they just say I hate which is not a word you should say even to your parents because it hurts them so much you make they make it seem like they really hate there parents.

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you will never hate your parents you will just feel like you do . so just ignore them for a little while and see if they say sorry.

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There's actually no such thing as a gay phase. This is an outdated concept. There is a phase where some teens might worry about their sexual orientation, but that's a different issue.

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Yes, depending on the parents and the place where they live. Just look at Israël. Muslims hate Jews, Jews hate muslims, they learn from their parents.

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It's very simple, so don't try to make it more difficult. You just say that you have gay parents. Most teens and pre-teens know that that means.

What do you do if your parents hate you and you are really shy?

Just tell your parents how you feel and if that doesnt help then your parents dont deserve you hope that helped

Why does your teenager hate you?

It's part of the growth process for teenagers. In all animal species where parents raise their young, there is a point where the young have to leave their parents. If the youngster is too tightly bonded with his parents, he will never leave and will become a burden. This reduces the success of a species. Thus mechanisms exist to make it easier to wean the child away from dependence on his parents. Hormonal changes affect the brains of teens. Even a loving teen will find that the sight, sound, and even smell of a parent becomes extremely irritating. Teens also have to learn negotiation in the real world. They start to learn it from people they trust, where this is exhibited by argumentative behavior. Teens also need to learn about themselves, to develop their own personalities. In this process, they adopt different identities. Additionally, teens have to learn to work with and bond with peers. This leaves less time and energy for bonding with parents. All of this can be viewed by parents as rebellion and misinterpreted as the teen rejecting them. In truth, there's no point in the teen trying the identity of his parents, he has grown up with that. He has to explore identities that are different from that. All in all, the kind of behaviors teens exhibit which make parents think they hate them are normal and largely biologically based rather than conscious. Teens that fail to exhibit any of this may be less successful in becoming independent, secure adults.

Should teens take driving courses or just rely on their parents?

Teens not only should take driving courses, it's required by law! Lots of helpful information will come from parents, but they will still need to take courses.

Why do teens hate other teens?

Teens may dislike each other due to competitiveness, jealousy, or differences in personality or interests. Peer pressure and social dynamics can also play a role in shaping teenage relationships. It's important to remember that not all teens hate each other, and many form strong bonds and friendships.

How often does teen drug abuse happen?

In almost all teens. Not major drugs mainly weed ecstasy and prescription drugs. Mainly just a phase to be "cool". this why teens use drugs all the time.

What are some good ways to make your parents hate you?

some good ways to make your parents hate you, are to do exactly the opppsite of what they say, and always get DT's, and what not, just be the worst kid you can be... trust me, i know you can do it... ily

How do you make your parents get you a phone if you are 10?

If you are 10 then you don't NEED a phone! Just wait at lest till you are in you teens