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Yes but no yes they should unless they lost it fighting, the one that has antlers are basiclly reindeers.

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Q: Do all adult male deer have antlers?
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What type of deer have horns?

all male deers have antlers

What is the social characteristics for a deer?

The physical characteristics of any deer, male or female, depend on the species. The male deer grow antlers and the females do not grow antlers. Deer can range in all colors of brown and some have white on them.

Do all male deers have antlers?

No. Only those bucks that are over a year old have antlers. Young male fawns do not have antlers.

Did the reindeer vixen have antlers?

No, only male deer have antlers although it is extremely rare to have a female deer with antlers. ^^Actually, since all they are REINDEER, they all have antlers. Male and female. But, male reindeer drop their antlers in early winter, while females retain theirs until early spring. So ACTUALLY, all his reindeer are female.

Do female reindeer have antlers too?

Well, yes. Female reindeer keep their antlers. Although, in spite of the fact I am a true fan of science(I am an aithiest. I only celebrate Christmas for fun), I disagree with the fact they are all female. It is most likely, but come on- the guy's magic! Of course, they would need a male to repreduce, so they have to have at least 1 male, or they would die out. female reindeers do no have antlers and they are a doe.male reindeers have antlers

Do bucks shed their antlers every year?

Yes bucks (male reindeers) do shed their antlers every year.

What does a deer have that uses all the letters from learned?


What is a branch on deer antlers?

They have several names all depending on how many there are and just where they are on the rack. The more branches, the older the deer.Fork: end of a deer's antlers, which divides in two.Palm: end of a deer's antlers similar in form to a human hand.Royal antler: third division of a deer's antlers from its head.Bay antler: division of a deer's antlers above the brow tine.Brow tine: first division of a deer's antlers from its head.Pedicle: part of a deer's head that supports the antlers.Beam: central stalk of the antlers of a deer.Surroyal antler: fourth division of the antlers of a deer.Crown tine: growing tine at the top of a deer's antlers.

Does baby reindeer have antlers?

No, the antlers do not fully grow until they reach maturity. but they have two lumps for that.

In the sentence these deer's antlers all have eight points where would the apostrophe go?

The apostrophe is not needed because deer is a singular and plural word. The sentence should read 'These deer antlers all have eight points.'

Do deer antlers fall off?

yes all reindeer lose their antlers at this time of year and grow back round spring time

What do you call an adult female deer?

The term for an adult female deer is a "Doe" or "Hind". A male deer is called a "Buck" or "Stag". A baby deer is called a "Fawn". The general term for ALL the above is "Deer".