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No Because racoon's or squirrels get them sometimes, or any wild animal can.

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Q: Do all baby sea turtle eggs live?
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Do certain turtle species have the choice to give live birth birth or do all lay eggs?

It's eggs all around.

Does the mom or dad snapping turtle take care of the baby snapping turtle?

Well all female turtles dig a hole and lay the eggs and leave, when the eggs hatch they go out by themselves, all the big snakes and hawks try to get them, so if you see one, you might want to save him/her from harm.

Are baby eagles born from eggs or does the mother give live birth?

Eagles, like all birds, lay eggs.

Is there a turtle that doesn't lay eggs?

No, all turtles lay eggs. Although some species of reptiles, like rattlesnakes, are capable of giving birth to live young, turtles do not.

Does the leatherback turtle lay eggs or have babies?

All reptiles lay eggs. Reptiles are animals that have scales, are cold-blooded and lay eggs, like turtles and snakes and lizards.

What is wrong with your baby turtle when he is not excited?

It's a turtle. It's not supposed to be excited all the time.

What turtle can live on land?

This depends on your meaning of the word 'turtle'. English (UK) a turtle is an aquatic animal, they only come ashore to lay eggs. English (USA) a turtle is as the UK definition, but tortoises (UK) are often referred to as 'land turtles' in American English and would include all land species.

What kind of snake dad hatches his eggs in his mouth?

None ! All snake eggs (or baby snakes for live-bearers) are expelled from the female snake's cloaca (vent).

How are black rat snakes born?

all snakes are born when the mother snake lays the eggs with the baby snakes in them and then the snakes hatch out of the eggs. Edit: Not ALL snakes lay eggs - some give birth to live young.

How do you tell when a baby snapping turtle is dying?

You can tell when a baby snapping turtle is dieing when it does not move at all for five minutes and a liquid poors slowly out of its mouth.

How many babies turtle can a girl turtle have?

It depends on the type of turtle it is. A female spotted turtle can only have 1 or 2 eggs due to its size, it only gets 5 in long. A Box turtle can have 7 or eight eggs due to its size, it gets up to a foot long. See, it all depends on what type of turtle it is and how long they get.

Do all the baby swans live?

no i live on a lake and when the eggs first hatched there were 5 babies but when they are little, eels can get them from below and by the end there were only 3 left.