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Q: Do all boys supposed to be mean?
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what is that supposed to mean?

Why are boys good at math?

Well technically boys are supposed to do better at math because they have more logical brains but it doesn't mean girls will always do worse than boys.

Is it important to educate boys?

Not all boys are mean and every one deserves education even people that are mean we all are people and we make mistakes girls and boys can be mean but that does not stop people from getting education

Why are boys mean behind your back to girls?

all boys/guy arent not the same. but never trust them.

Why do boy get so annoying?

Girls for some reason are more patient than boys. But it depends on the boys cause not all boys are the same. If you get what I mean..

Why should boys have all the fun?

Because it's the boys who suppress the girls, even if they don't mean to. They judge girls more harshly than boys for doing things boys do.

Are girls supposed to be fat?

Overweight no, higher percentage then boys-yes.

What high school did FDR go to?

He went to Groton (an all boys school) at the age of 14 when you were supposed to enroll at 12. then he went to Harvard for his college.

From 9 girls and 7 boys a team of 4 girls and 5 boys is to be formed for competition a particular girl refuses to participate if any 1 of the 2 particular boys is present how many teams can be formed?

WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!? How is anyone supposed to answer that question?! It makes no sense at all!

Why are girls all mean to boys?

Not ALL girls are mean to boys. If they are mean, it could be because they possibly like the boy they are teasing. It could also mean that the boy they are teasing acts... different. If you are a victim, try to find out from other boys if they think you act odd. By the way, some girls will make fun of you whether you are weird or not. Hope I helped! :D

Are all cat guy?

Do you mean ; Are all cats guys (boys)? If so no you can get female cats too.

Is it supposed to be those boys or these boys?

The correct term to use would depend on the proximity of the boys to the speaker. "Those boys" would be used to refer to boys who are further away, while "these boys" would be used to refer to boys who are closer.