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Yes,but some of them sometimes fail!!

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Q: Do all caterpillars spin cocoons
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What part of the body do caterpillars lose when they spin their cocoons?

They loose some of their legs, They are left with wings.

What textile is made from the cocoons of caterpillars that eat the leaves of the mulberry tree?

The textile that is made from the cocoons of caterpillars that eat the leaves of the mulberry tree is silk. It takes about 35 days of eating mulberry leaves before the caterpillar will spin a cocoon of silk.

Do cocoons grow in groups?

Some caterpillars do have cocoons in groups. The group is usually a family of caterpillars that build a web like nest around there to cocoons for protection.

What is silkworm?

Any of various caterpillars that produce silk cocoons Any of various caterpillars that produce silk cocoons Any of various caterpillars that produce silk cocoons Most known as Bombyx Mori It is also a worm that produces a cocoon that when properly done produces silk.

How long does it take before caterpillars finish there cocoons?

a year

Do caterpillars come out of jumping beans?

no inside the beans are caterpillars then they make cocoons in the bean then eat their way out as moths

What do caterpillars turn into?

Caterpillars turn into cocoons or pupas then after that stage, they turn into either a butterfly or moth

What do Western Tent caterpillars turn into?

They turn into moths. It takes about eight weeks for the caterpillars to start their cocoons and two for them to turn into moths.

Do all caterpillars make it out of their cocoons to become butterflie If not what is the success rate Also what are some of the factors that cause caterpillars to die in the cocoon?

Not all caterpillars make it out of their cacoons.The sucess rate is 74%.Some factors are:they were to cold,they were in the wrong time,or something found it and damaged it.

Do tent caterpillars make cacoons?

Yes, they go into their cocoons during the Spring time.

How long does it take a caterpillar to turn into a butterfly?

our caterpillars that we got from Bugville made their cocoons 7 days after we received them, and turned into butterflys 12 days after they made the cocoons.

How long does for tent caterpillars to go into cocoons?

A tent caterpillar when it get long and fat to last the sleep