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A complete flower will have petals, stamens, a pistil, and sepals. Some flowers may be missing any or several parts.

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Q: Do all flowers have the same part?
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Are plants flowers?

Flowers are part of the reproductive cycle of plants therefore they are not plants per se.

Do all roses smell the same?

no No. It depends on what type of pollinators the flower is trying to attract. Some are attracted to scents, hence perfumed flowers, and some are attracted to color or shape, which is why flowers come in all colors and shapes.

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All fruit trees have flowers. It is the inner part of the flower, the ovary, that becomes the fruit.

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No clovers are not the same as flowers, they are considered weeds.

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Are all daisies flowers?

Yes all daisies are flowers. But not all flowers are daisies.

Do all flowers have stigmas?

yes all flowers have stigmas. they all need stigmas to live and grow. Stigma is a part of female reproductive organ i.e. Gynoecium in plants. Gynoecium consists of three components namely - Ovary, style and stigma. In plants all the flowers do not have both male and female reproductive parts. Thus exclusively male flowers do not have stigma.

If a girl has 6 flowers in all and wants to give the same number of flowers to two other girls how many would she give each?


How are bad-odered flowers pollinated?

The same as other flowers. Insects that pollinate flowers generally do not sense odors the same as humans do.

Do all plants have two kinds of flowers?

No, not all plants have two kinds of flowers. Some plants have flowers that contain both male and female reproductive parts, making them "perfect" or "hermaphroditic" flowers. Other plants have separate male and female flowers on the same plant or on different plants, referred to as "imperfect" flowers.

Where does fertilization takes place in a flowering plant?

Fertilization takes place in the middle of the flower between the stamen and the pistil. Fertilization, called pollination, occurs when pollen is transferred between the stamen (male part) and pistil (female part). Most plant flowers have both a stamen and pistil but there are also plants with separate male flowers and female flowers and there are also male and female plants where all the flowers on one are male and all the flowers on the other are female.