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Q: Do all flowers on pear tree produce a pear?
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Related questions

Do oak trees have flowers?

Yes, oak trees do produce flowers in the spring time.Flowers are not generally a consideration when selecting an oak tree as they are insignificant or not showy.

How many acorns does a oak tree produce each year?

Acorns are the fru it of an oak tree. The number of acorns depends on several factors. The number of flowers the tree produces, the number of flowers that are pollinated, the health of the tree, and the age of the tree would all have an affect on the number of acorns produced.

Is sequoia a type of flower?

Yes. All plants that produce seed have flowers.

Do rhizomes all produce flowers?


What are vascular plants that produce flowers?

All angiospermic plants produce flowers and have vascular tissue.

Why is a spruce tree a gymnosperm?

Spruces do not produce flowers, but they do produce seed. They are gymnosperms.

What will happen if a apple tree has no flowers in a year?

It would not make apples nor seeds. If this is a temporary or once-in-a-while situation - such as a heavy late frost during blooming period that kills off the flowers or flower buds - that tree will not bear fruit that year. If this is a long-term situation affecting all apple trees in an area or region, then the apple trees will eventually die out in those areas because there are no future generations to sustain the species - or the trees will evolve into something else.

Is it true all plants produce flowers?


Why do flowers produce?

They produce so that we could have more oxygen in the atmosphere. Flowers breath in our CO2 and give out the oxygen that we breathe. That is why we all have flowers and that is why they keep growing.

Why does flowers have pollen?

the bees that get the pollen produce it all back but not all they take and thats how flowers die

Do all trees produce flowers that will turn into fruits?


What seed-producing plants with flowers?

Angiosperms.Both Angiosperms and Gymnosperms produce seed therefore have flowers however insignificant. The term Spermaphyte covers all plants that produce flowers.