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Q: Do all laundry detergents work the same?
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Are laundry detergents eco-friendly?

All laundry detergents are not eco friendly. Eco-Friendly usually contain natural ingredients. The harmful laundry detergents contain bleach or phenol.

Is Tide gluten free?

This is the companies response to that question: All ingredients in Tide Laundry Detergents are extensively tested and reviewed to ensure that they are safe for use as directed on packaging. All Tide Laundry Detergents are gluten and casein free.

What are some laundry detergents?

There are: -tide -downy -gain joyful expressions -oxi clean -all small and mighty

What brands of laundry detergent are fragrance free?

Several manufacturers have detergents that are free of fragrance. Cheer, Tide and All are a few of them.

Does soap and detergents have the same effects in all water?

No; detergents have different recipes, but sometimes these are similar.

Does a laundry detergent coupon apply to all types of detergents.?

It depends on what the coupon says. If it just says laundry detergent, it is good for all brands of detergent. If it says a specific brand, such as Gain, it is only good for that kind.

What is the leading brand of laundry detergent?

There are several leading brands of laundry detergents, including Tide, Gain, and All. According to Consumer Reports, Tide leads all other brands, with a twenty-eight percent market share.

What ingredients are in All?

All is a laundry soap based on non-ionic surfactants.. They don't publish the formula, in part because companies constantly jiggle their recipes in order to imprive performance or save a few bucks.When All came out, most laundry detergents used ionic surfactants. Tide has advertised for years that it's best on American soil. Ionic serfactants work better on dirt. Non-ionic detergents like All aren't as good on soil, but they are significantly better on grease and oil.Ionic detergents perform best at high temperatures that melt oils and grease. Non-ionic detergents are much less sensitive to temperature; thus Cheer, which came out shortly after All was introduced, advertises "all-temo-a-Cheer."A third benefit of non-ionic detergents like All is that it's low-sudsing, which is especially important in front-loader washing machines.Laundry detergents contain "builders" that help keep prevent redeposition of soil. Nobody likes tattle-tail gray!There are water softeners in laundry detergents, enzymes to attack protein stains, perfumes, and dyes.Laundry detergents contain fluorescent whitening agents, and these vary a lot from country to country. In countries nearer the equator, they generally have strong agents that the clothes glow violet in the sunlight. In northern climates, customers prefer clothes that look less radioactive.'The ingredients are different in liquid laundry detergent than in powders.

What in liquid detergent kills plants?

we don't really know any thig yet but we are working

What are the top three laundry detergents?

In the USA Tide, Cheer, and All are the top three sellers as they have been for about 5 decades. They are the ones who made "soap operas" to be called soap operas.

What are the four best laundry detergents?

I would say that the four BEST laundry detergents you can now purchase are "Resolve with Oxi- clean," "Oxi- clean," "Cheer," and "Tide." However you can you use regular household items that work just as well, such as, baking soda on grease, white toothpaste on lipstick, and peanut butter on glue or tape residue. These are cheaper, but don't work on everything. Just specific stains. However, if you want to by a good "all- around" detergent I recommend something green, as the product "Green works" that is all natural and doesn't contain harsh chemicals. (This brand doesn't make detergent.) You can also make a science fair project with detergent on stains for your child and see what stain comes out best. (Use multiple stains and detergents.) No name

What does dual action cleanse mean?

Dual action cleansing is very effective in removing stains and other things. It can be found in all types of dish detergents and laundry cleaners and removes stains really easily.