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Not all liquids react with baking soda. If there isn't any type of acid in the liquid, therefore, there is nothing for the acids in the baking soda to react with.

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Q: Do all liquids react with baking soda?
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Why is baking soda effective in cleaning a vinegar spill?

Baking soda will react chemically with vinegar, so cleaning a vinegar spill with baking soda will, if sufficient baking soda is applied, react with all the vinegar and completely eliminate all that vinegar and its smell. The "active ingredient" in vinegar is acetic acid, which is CH3COOH, and its mixed in with water. Baking soda is NaHCO3. The reaction is as follows: CH3COOH + NaHCO3 => NaC2H3O2 + H2CO3

What reacts to baking soda?

Baking soda is a base so any acid will react to it. The most commonly known is the reaction between baking soda and vinegar.

Can baking soda react with HCl?

Yes, hydrochloric acid does react with baking soda. Baking soda is sodium hydrogen carbonate. Thus sodium hydrogen carbonate + hydrochloric acid --> sodium chloride + water + carbon dioxideNaHCO3 + HCl --> NaCl + H2O + CO2.(All the numbers should be subscripts).This is the reaction which happens in the stomach when we take baking soda for indigestion.

Does dihydrogen monoxide react with baking soda?

I think they mix water and baking soda all the time, but reacting, I do not know. NaHCO3 + H2O --> ??? I do not see a reaction here, but perhaps some kind of mixture. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dihydrogen monoxide is water. It is one of the byproducts of mixing acid and baking soda. It will not react with baking soda. Either the person who asked this question is trying to mess the people who answer questions, or someone else is messing with him.

How do liquids react to different substances?

all liquids react differently, they all also react differently depending on the substance reacted with

Is baking soda gluten-free?

I checked with a baking soda vendor and they explained that all baking soda is naturally gluten free. It is baking powder (which uses baking soda) that may contain gluten. You need to check with the manufacturer.

What is the percent of baking soda in drinks?

Despite being called "soda," there is no baking soda at all in most carbonated beverages.

Does Arm and Hammer baking soda contain aluminum?

No, Arm and Hammer baking soda is aluminum free!All baking soda is only sodium bicarbonate.

Why doesn't vinegar react with Coca Cola?

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) needs an acid to react with. The reason you put it in things is to function as a leavening agent. The alkaline baking soda reacts with something acidic, releasing carbon dioxide bubbles into the batter and making it light and airy in texture. As for why baking soda doesn't react with heat... it actually does. Above about 160 degrees F, it begins to break down into sodium carbonate, carbon dioxide and water. This too will release bubbles into your batter, giving it a texture, since not all batters are too acidic.

When you mix vinegar and baking soda together why is it cold?

Baking soda and vinegar gets cold in a reaction called an endothermic reaction. Ectothermic reactions get warm, endo cold. All the heat is taken in by the baking soda and used as energy. If you add more baking soda, more baking soda will take in energy and make it colder. Source(s): Fith Grade science project done in Los Gatos, CA

What triggers baking powder?

When baking soda and vinegar are mixed, hydrogen ions from the vinegar react with the bicarbonate ions from the baking soda to form a new chemical called carbonic acid. The carbonic acid immediately decomposes into carbon dioxide gas and water. It is this carbon dioxide gas that you see bubbling and foaming as soon as yiou mix baking soda and vinegar together. NaHCO3 (aq) + CH3COOH (aq) --> CO2 (g) +H2O (l) +CH3COONa (aq)

Why is baking soda better than toothpaste?

Baking soda is very good. A lot of toothpaste brands use it. Baking soda is good if you want to whiten your teeth. Baking soda is an old traditional thing and works well. Baking soda is better than toothpaste. The fluoride in toothpaste is actually very harmful to your mouth. All in all, baking soda works better. (Scientifically proven)