

Do all organisms have organs

Updated: 9/13/2023
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13y ago

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No, because remember that there are some one celled organism. That don't even have enough cells to make a tissue

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Q: Do all organisms have organs
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all living organisms have organs rather they are visable or not organs ar neccesarry to from a system and that no more then what all livin organisms are a biotic system

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Cells don't have organs.

Are organs organisms?

No , because organs are only body parts of organisms.

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All I know is Organs of Speech not Communication...

Are organs important?

Organisms are important because they are all living things. You are an organism, your pet is an oragnism, the bacteria in your intestines are all organisms.

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Do organisms have organs?

yes we have organ and we are organisms

Are all living things made up of organs?

No. Organs are generally considered as being limited to animals. Cells are what make up all organisms.

Which groups of organisms rely on kidneys?

Did you mean organs? All of them. If you lose your kidneys, you die.

Are all organisms disease producing?

no. an organism is any system of organs working together.

Do all organisms have organs tissues and organ systems give examples to support your answer?

No. Single celled organisms such as amoeba obviously don't have them. Slightly more complex organisms such as sponges don't have organs or organ systems though they might be said to have tissues.

What are examples of organs and organisms?

Organs are a part of organisms that helps them to function. Some examples of organs are lungs, heart, intestines, and liver. Organisms are any forms of life anywhere from fungus, to bacteria, to animals.