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Q: Do all organisms smell and taste things?
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How does smell and taste work together structurally and functionally?

well smell and taste all have to do with the sensory organ pick up data transmitting it as a electrochemical signal and your brain decoding it. If you cant smell you can not taste the food you are eating.

What animal can taste better then all the animals?

no but they have a great sense of smell

What are all of the body's major senses?

Taste, Sight, Smell, Hearing, and feelin

How does the sense of smell affect sense of taste?

The senses are all somewhat connected

What are all are senses?

touch smell hearing sight taste and telling the future

Why can't i smell or taste now that you have cold?

You can't smell because the blood vessels in your nose are all swelled up.

What are know as the 'chemical senses'?

Chemical senses are senses that require chemicals to stimulate them. Taste and smell are both chemical senses. All other senses are considered mechanical or electrical.

How smell and taste related?

How are smell and taste related? The answer is simple: When we taste, we use our sense of smell. Have you ever noticed why when you have a cold, or you've plugged your nose, you can't taste the food in your mouth? This is because we assume automatically that what we are smelling is going to taste that way. So it does. Most of the time. When you taste, you are using your sense of smell to kind of tell you what it is that your eating. If you were to close your eyes and hold your nose and then taste apples and a potato, you wouldn't be able to tell a difference. At all. Except maybe the texture. ~Thanks, WorldBook 2001 Edition.

Why you can't taste food when you have a bad cold?

Because the sensation of taste is closely tied to your sense of smell. The combination of your taste buds and the smell of food is what makes your brain recognize a taste. When you have a cold, your nose gets clogged and you can't smell as well as you normally can, so in your head, foods don't taste the same because you're not getting the normal amount of "taste information" from your nose" This is also why people hold their nose when eating something they don't like and why inhaling when you're eating spicy food makes them seem spicier.

How do buterflies taste tings?

The butterfly equivalent of human taste and smell is done by sensory cells on the butterfly antennae (feelers). All insects and related creatures taste and smell with their antennae.

Are organisms like cells?

No. Organisms are all living things like bacteria, plants, and animals. Cells are within all of these organisms. Cells make up all living things.

What do you do when all the cookie mixes you mix taste and smell like metal?

Go to the hospital.