

Do all places on earth rotate at the same time?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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No, China is currently lapping India.

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Q: Do all places on earth rotate at the same time?
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i think this is so because the earth moves slowly. (the earth rotate and revolve at the same time.

How does it take for the to rotate on its axis?

The moon has an axis, and as the moon orbits the Earth, it keeps the same face toward the earth. So the moon rotates on its axis the same length of time it takes to rotate the earth -28 days.

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You always see the same side - as the moon takes the same time to orbit the earth as it does to rotate once on its axis !

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They are exactly the same.

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Only artificial, geostationary satellites.

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Not at the same time, no.

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It takes the moon the same amount of time to orbit Earth once as it does to rotate on its axis?

Yes it does. This means we always see the same side of the moon facing Earth.

How long it takes for the moon to rotate once?

It rotates once in 27.32 days - the same time that it takes to orbit once around the Earth - which is why it always looks the same from Earth.

Does the earth seem to take longer to rotate depending on your location on earth?

Any place on earth would have the same time to rotate.what seems to be different is the duration of day and night

Why does the moon look like the same in the sky?

Because the moon takes the same time to rotate once on its axis - as it does to go around the earth. Therefore we see the same side of the moon every time.