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Plastic Surgeons are required by their malpractice insurance companies to take before and after photographs of patients who go through break augmentation/enlargement surgery. This ensures photographic proof.

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Q: Do all plastic surgeons take before and after photos for breast enlargement surgeries?
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What qualifications do plastic surgeons need before they are able to operate?

Some qualifications a plastic surgeon needs before they are able to operate are six years of plastic surgery training on top of their general training. Also all plastic surgeons registered to preform surgery are on the General Medical Council's (GMC) specialist plastic surgery register.

Can you be a smoker and get breast implants?

yes, most Plastic Surgeons will carry out a breast enlargement on smokers. However, you will be strongly advised to stop smoking for six weeks before the operation and six weeks afterwards. Smoking can cause post opertaive complications such as delayed healing.

where can I find the best plastic surgeon ?

You can find the best plastic surgeon by researching and considering factors such as their qualifications, experience, specialization, reputation, patient reviews, and before/after photos. Online directories, professional medical organizations, and cosmetic surgery websites can help you find a list of reputable plastic surgeons in your area. Additionally, asking for recommendations from trusted friends or family members who have had successful surgeries can be helpful.

Where could one find before and after pictures of liposuction?

Before and after pictures of liposuction can be found at a plastic surgeon or cosmetic surgeons office. Before and after photos can also be found on the Real Self website.

What should you know about the plastic surgeon who will perform your nose job?

Before you get a nose job, it is important to do your homework. There are many physicians that operate with licenses, but are not certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons. This means they haven

Where might one find a doctor that offers pictures of facelifts before and after?

Doctors that have before and after pictures of facelift operations will be plastic surgeons. They will show you some examples of their work when you go for a consultation.

Where can one find liposuction before and after photos?

There are many liposuction before and after pictures online. Many plastic surgeons websites have before and after pictures of their work. Another place to look is in Google Pictures. Then, you can search for specific procedures.

Why are otoplasty patients advised to quit smoking before surgery?

Plastic surgeons strongly urge adult patients to quit smoking before the surgery, because smoking delays and complicates the healing process.

Where can one see before and after photos of brow lift plastic surgery?

To see before and after photographs of brow lift surgery, one should visit the webpage of plastic surgeons, such as Spire Healthcare. Alternatively, speak to a doctor or medical specialist for advice or watch videos on Youtube.

Where can someone find photos of before and after nose surgeries?

If one is considering plastic surgery, they should first know the work of the plastic surgeon doing their procedure. A plastic surgeon will take before and after photos of their patients, with patient's discretion, and have a portfolio of their work. By knowing how well of work one's surgeon does, creates a better understanding of what one wants.

How does one find before and after photos of breast reconstruction surgery?

Before and after photos of breast reconstruction surgery can be found on the Breast Cancer Organization's website. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons website has many photos one can view as well.

Why are British surgeons called mister?

Because before there were surgeons the job had been done by barbers, who were not medically trained.