


Breast Enlargement

Breast enlargement, also referred as breast augmentation or breast enhancement, is a cosmetic procedure done wherein an artificial implant is put under the breast tissue, or under the chest muscle behind the breast.

1,492 Questions

You are 17 and have flat chest how can you make it grow bigger?

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Asked by Wiki User

At 17, your body is still developing and growing. Genetics play a significant role in determining your breast size. Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can support overall health and development. It's important to embrace and appreciate your body as it is. If you have concerns, it may be helpful to speak with a healthcare provider for guidance and support.

Which is larger grams or milligrams?

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Asked by Wiki User

Grams are larger than milligrams. There are 1000 milligrams in 1 gram.

Can Women Have the same looking nipples?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, nipples can vary widely in appearance due to differences in size, shape, color, and texture. While some women may have nipples that look similar, it is also common for them to have unique features that distinguish their nipples from others', regardless of gender.

Is there anything you can rub on your breasts to make them grow faster?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of rubbing any substance on your breasts to make them grow faster. Breast size is primarily determined by genetics and hormonal factors, so factors like diet, exercise, and overall health may influence breast size but are not a guarantee for faster growth. If you have concerns about your breast development, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider.

How do you grow breasts on a male?

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Asked by Wiki User

Male breast growth, known as gynecomastia, can be caused by hormone imbalances, certain medications, or medical conditions. Consult a doctor to determine the underlying cause and discuss treatment options, which may include medication, surgery, or lifestyle changes.

What are some opinions about Herbalife?

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Asked by Wiki User

Opinions about Herbalife vary. Some people believe that its products are effective for weight management and overall health, while others criticize its business model as a pyramid scheme that preys on vulnerable individuals. It's important to do thorough research and consult with a healthcare professional before using Herbalife products.

What makes girl's breasts get bigger?

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Asked by Wiki User

Girls' breasts get bigger primarily due to hormonal changes during puberty, specifically an increase in estrogen levels. This leads to the development of breast tissue and the growth of milk ducts and glands. Genetics and overall body fat percentage can also play a role in determining breast size.

Who has the biggest natural breasts?

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Asked by Wiki User

Norma Stitz, real name Annie Hawkins.

In 1999, Guinness World Records declared Norma as having the Biggest Natural Breasts in the world and also the owner of the largest bra. Her measurements at the time were 70-48-52". Her bra size was 48V. Each breast weighed 28 pounds and she weighed 270. Since then her breasts have grown and she tops the scale at 345 pounds.

What are the advantages of artificial implants?

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Asked by GaleEncyofSurgery

Ceramic braces are created by mixing a couple of inorganic materials together to create a new material. This permanent type of braces is applied by affixing them to each individual tooth. An arch wire then spans the length of the top and lower set of teeth. The wire is then tied to the ceramic braces by rubber bands which are also called ligatures. Ceramic braces are one of the most widely used braces type.

You are a male how can you make your nipples bigger?

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Asked by Wiki User

A vacuum pump may increase them some if you feel the need.

You could also use femenine hygene products (creams and such) with estrogen which would cause you to actually form breasts and maybe increase the size of your nipples - though this is probably very dangerous and would likely increase your risk of contracting certain forms of cancer and who knows else, so ask a doctor.

Why you would want to do this is beyond me though, but to each his own.

Oh, and there's always cosmetic surgery.

Who has biggest natural breasts?

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Asked by Wiki User

Norma Stitz

How much does a 750cc breast implant weigh?

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Asked by Wiki User

A 750cc saline breast implant weighs 0.71 kg (1.58 lbs) and a 750cc silicone breast implant weighs 0.81 kg (1.79 lbs).

These weights are for a single breast implant, not for two implants put together.

How much does a 520cc saline breast implant weigh?

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How much does a breast implant or argumentation costs in the the Des Moines area

How can you make your breasts look bigger without having surgury or wearing push-up bras?

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Asked by XMorbidHeartx

(edditting answer) ... continuation or ... if you're young and can take out time to exercise, then do the incline and decline bench press ... they'll help you out inclined bench press add mass to the uper parts of left and right pectoral muscles while the declined bench press lifts the mass from the bottom side of the breast upwards doing these exercise will not only increase the size of your breasts but also give them a nice shape ! Regards SaberTooth

When setting the table where does the cup go?

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Asked by Wiki User

Glasses to the left of me, saucers to the right Glasses go on the left and cups and saucers go on the right. Silverware should be one inch from the edge of the table. Empty wine glasses stuck in the middle with you The above is true, but it's also acceptable for an empty wine glass and water glass to be placed ahead of the plate.

How long does it take to grow a pickle before it can be eaten?

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Asked by Wiki User

you sit and go eeeeaaaa and poop you sit and go eeeeaaaa and poop

Does soy milk help your breasts grow?

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Asked by Wiki User


While soy milk, like all soy products, contains phytoestrogens, which are weak estrogen-like compounds, there hasn't been evidence to suggest that modest to high consumption of soy products encourages breast growth. It's possible that consumption of highly concentrated phytoestrogens might cause breast growth just as estrogen-containing birth control pills do, but normal soy consumption would not. If it did, imagine how vegetarian males would look! You'd need warning labels and everything on the milk if it actually promoted breast growth.

Does corn help your breasts grow?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, along with a bit of a belly. See, corn is a starchy vegetable. Starch is carbohydrate, which is a type of "sugar" that is converted to energy when the body needs it. If the body has excess of this energy, it gets stored as fat. Excessive amounts of corn consumed in attempts to enlargen the breasts can lead to fatness around the midsection and hips. And I don't think many women want that to happen to themselves.

Does ice cream make your breasts bigger?

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Asked by Wiki User

Where one gains weight is dependant upon the body type of the individual. Any food intake above what the body normally needs will result in weight gain. And in general, any excess calories, including those from fatty ice cream, is going to result in a bigger derrierre.

Is skydiving safe after breast augmentation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Breast implants make little difference to physical activity. Running and jumping are unaffected. If the implants are large it could affect the ability to reach across the chest, which has implications for some activities, such as racket sports.

What is inside a breasts?

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Asked by Wiki User

Primarily milk-producing glands.

Actually , the majority is adipose [fatty ] tissue, along with milk glands , milk ducts, veins and blood vessels.

How do you massage people?

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Asked by Wiki User

a full body massage is one of the most amazing feeling in the hole world it starts with being fully nude( for thoz uncomfortable about that its ok i was my first time but once they get going u dont care any more and in my experiences as strange as it seems they ask if u feel more comfortable if they were nude also and for a first timer i would say yes cuz it helps alot and even then you dont have to worrie cuz it NOT SEX RELATED! that bugs me when i hear ppl think that cuz its so harmless i have had my sis do it on me for my first time and were both nude who cares cuz once it starts u just close your eyes and relax your body and mind )then you start on your stomach or back realy depends on person on ether side you start off with a towel in middle of body. and then u can have them start from your head down or your feet up. but thats about it just remember to relax and enjoy your self ( cuz agian its is a full body massage and also like i said dont listen to dumb ppl and think it has any thing to do with sex even if your both nude family is close to anyone and it actually helped me for my first time like i wont lie my sis is hot and i was nude with her and for me i just kept thinking at least im not alone for this and i was trying to help her so she she became more confidante to give massagez to ppl but and now shez a professional and makes bank and who knows if its both your first times maybe they will be good and get a job doing it and maybe they will give you free ones id when i visit her but anyway just try it out ppl i promise you wont regret it trust me im glad i did cuz now i want them all the time ha and if you do and for some reason it sucks let them finish unless it just realy hurts and then dont tip and demand a refund or if it family or friend dont feel stupid to let them know wat they should work on in a nice way or just tell them they should think about a new career choice. ) well im done if this hasint helped anyone im srry... last thing im gona say agian seriosly you might not belive it but it realy helps calm your nerves to both be nude for the first time its strange i know but it helps alot cuz i didnt think so i wouldint have put that me and my sis were nude and were older now just relax and enjoy your first or more full body massage =) ......oh dang i forgot if home i would look for some kind of oil not cooking but like baby oil if u have it and some lubricants if have them and when you go to get it you should have choices of sents to chose from.