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No. Some have no expressed opinion on it. However, evidence from literature (more trustworthy information) increasingly suggests that it exists, and many scientific minds side with this

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Q: Do all scientist across the world have opinions on global warming?
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What is scientist perspective of global warming?

it is very bad to the earth,humans,and plants..

Who is working to prevent global warming?

scientist are trying to find out ways to prevent it.

When was scientist first warned about possible global warming?

early to mid 1900's.

Was Al Gore wrong about global warming?

No. Although Al Gore himself is not a scientist, he has listened carefully to what scientists have to say about global warming. He is concerned about scientific predictions about the potential effects of global warming on society and the world as a whole, because that is what most scientists are telling him.

How is Global Warming a Scam?

The science of global warming could be a scam if someone had anything to gain by it. Yet scientists resisted the idea that they should be concerned about the possibility for almost a century after the possibility of anthropogenic global warming was first identified. No scientist has anything to gain by creating a hoax. In fact, any evidence that a research scientist has engaged in a scam would be career-destroying.

How are you responsible for global warming.what do we do that causes global warming?

well there are a lot of reasons that we cause golbal warming. The main one I can think of is every time that you plug something in. I believe that global warming is not being caused by humans. There are just as many scientist saying that it is not happening than there are saying that it is.

Is it 'global warming' or 'global warning'?

Global Warming.

What is one way the scientist predict future events such as the effects of global warming?

by creating simulation models

Which of the following global issues dose the 1997 Kyoto protocol address?

global warming!!!!!!

How is global warming started?

global warming has started because of population of the o-zone layer are our world and many scientist think that the world might end IN 2012 "population of the o-zone layer" and "many scientist think that the world might end in 2012" Come on what kind of gobbledygook is that? Globan warming and global cooling are natural cycles caused by sunspot activity and other natural factors.

When was the idea of global warming thought up?

well scientist knew about it 30 years before but however did not have any evidence on there are many sceptics now a days how still don't believe global warming is man made!

Why does global warming decrease temperatures?

True global warming does not decrease temperatures. So, either the model for global warming's effects is hokus-pokus, or global warming as presently claimed, does not exist. Some global warming followers will have you believe that global warming makes the weather "act crazy". If true, then it is not really global warming, is it.