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Q: Do all the states have streets named after them in Washington DC?
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Delaware Georgia Massachusetts and Pensylvania?

These are all states and they are all streets in Washington D.C.

Do roads in Washington dc all have sidewalks?

No, not all streets have sidewalks.

How many states are named after people?

There are ten states that were named after people. They were all named after presidents or monarchs. Examples include Washington which is named after George Washington and Pennsylvania named after Sir William Penn.

What are all the states in the pacific?

The states are California, Oregon, and Washington (In the United States)

Origin of the name Washington D.C.?

Washington, DC, is named in memory of George Washington, first President of the United States of America. The "DC, stands for "District of Columbia." The District was originally a 10-mile square territory that was not part of any state, but directly governed by the Congress of the United States. The city of Washington occupied a small part of the District, but grew to occupy all of it.

Street names start with letter d?

Delaware Avenue NE and Delaware Avenue SW in Washington DC. The US capital has a street named after all 50 states.

What are all the states with ten letters?

· California · Washington

What states have sprinfield as a town?

All states have a town or city named Springfield.

What city name do the states KentuckyIndianaNew HampshireMarylandConnecticutand Georgia have in common?

All of those states have a town or city named Bethlehem.

How did all the states get there name?

All the states are named for different reasons. Georgia was named after King George II of Great Britain Virginia was named after Queen Elizabeth of England because she was called the virgin queen

Who was the first president of all the us states?

George Washington.

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