

Do all tree's leaves change color?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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No not really - most tropical rainforest trees are evergreens and keep their color until the leaves fall off. Certain palm trees do not change color until they die, or fall off too.

Eventually yes, but Conifers have smaller leaves so they change slower.

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No not all tree leaves change colors depending on what type of tree it is. So, therefore the answer is NO.

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Leaves change color because the trunk of the tree stops sending nutrients and water and other chemicals to the leaves. In the winder, the tree keeps all the nutrients inside and doesn't have the energy to keep feeding the leaves, so they change color and die and fall off. Trees with leaves that do not change color just means that they don't have this process and are most likely in a warmer climate or survive much better in cold

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Do the leaves change color in Florida?

Yes the leaves fall on trees like pecan, oak, sycamore, and other types of trees. Pine, and cedar wont change at all from spring, summer, fall and winter. Not sure about more southern parts of Florida where orange and palm trees flourish.

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Evergreen trees do not change color in fall and winter because they do not lose chlorophyll due to evaporation. The needles are covered in an oily substance preventing the loss of chlorophyll and shielding it against frost.

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What season would you see the most trees with green leaves?

I would say summer, because in spring, the leaves are just starting to grow. In fall, the leaves change color and fall off. In winter there are no leaves. In summer the leaves have all grown back and are prospering.

What biome has all four seasons?

The deciduous forest has four distinct seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. In the autumn the leaves change color. During the winter months the trees lose their leaves.

Why don't the trees in the tropical rainforest drop their leaves?

All leaves will eventually drop off trees... there is no real way to prevent that from happening. Leaves die and gravity does the rest. However, trees in the tropical rainforests are not deciduous-- meaning they do not drop all of their leaves in autumn. Because it is summer year-round in the tropical rainforests, there is no autumn and the leaves do not change colors or all fall at once.

The change in the color of tree leaves in fall is an example of a physical change?

The change in the color of tree leaves in fall is actually a chemical change caused by the breakdown of chlorophyll. The colors we see are due to pigments that were present in the leaves all along, but were masked by the dominant green color of chlorophyll during the growing season.

Do trees lose their leaves in equatorial regions?

Trees lose their leaves all the time, but rainforests do not shed their leaves all at once.

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Deciduous trees lose all their leaves in the Autumn.

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a plant cell haw choroplast ,which affect the pant cell color .an animals cell does not have