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Yes. What you see and smell is the composting of leaves and debris in the water. It aids in that it adds nutrients back to the soil and over time when the water recedes, it will be the best crop producing land. Swamp gas can be formed from the methane producing decomposition of leaves and green plant material.

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Q: Do all wetlands have black soil and are smelly?
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well...I'm not sure but it might be harmfull for the soil because, if you dump all that it will be realy smelly and rotten and soil can not have that .it is just bad for the soil like that if you realy think of it.

Is black soil loamy?

Loamy soil is usually "black" but not all black soil is loamy. Or for that matter, even good soil at all. If former living things along with rounded dirt particles are what made the soil black, then you could expect that it might be loamy. If the black soil is from the bottom of a swamp, say, it might be nutritious soil for plants, yet not be loamy.

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Are beaches wetlands?

some are not all .

Are all wetlands all the same?

No, there are different types of wetlands. Such as marshes, bogs, swamps, and fens.

What does black soil contain?

Chernozem (from Russian чернозём, black soil), also known as "black land" or "black earth", is a black-coloured soil containing a very high percentage of humus - 3% to 15%, and high percentages of phosphoric acids, phosphorus and ammonia. Chernozem is very fertile and produces a high agricultural yield.

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A black guy, who sits in soil getting all the nutriants and stuff

When does Beverly smelll?

all the time SMELLY

Is smelly feet a symptom of diarea?

Not at all

Why are tornadoes black?

Not all tornadoes are black. There are two ways a tornado may appear black. First, the tornado may be back lit, causing it to appear dark. Some tornadoes lift large amounts of soil into the air. In such a situation, if the soil in an area is black, the tornado will likely be black as well.