

Do all white babies have blue eyes?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: Do all white babies have blue eyes?
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Do even black babies have blue eyes when they're born?

No, not all babies have blue eyes when they are born. Some babies are born with very dark eyes.

Does black babies have blue eyes?

I am black and my mom said I had blue eyes when I was born. If I am not wrong I think all babies are born with blue eyes.

Do all white tigers have blue eyes?

Yes, all white tigers have blue eyes.

Did Harry Potter used to have blue eyes?

Yes, all newborn babies has blue eyes.

Are all of first born babies' eyes the color blue?

no but they can be if some of your families eyes are.

What percentage of babies are born with blue eyes?

100%ALL babys are born with blue eyeshowever later in life the eye color can changethis depends on the color of the eyes of the baby's parentsi hope i could help...Not True Not ALL babies are born with blue eyes, Most are born with blue eyes but African american babies are usually brown, And some caucasian babies are also born with dark brown eyes as my son was.

Are all newborn's eyes blue?

Caucasian babies' eyes are usually, but not always, blue at birth. The eyes of black people are not usually blue at birth, but brown. Typically, a newborn babies eyes are blue or gray-blue and may not attain their true color until 9-months of age.

What kind of puppies have blue eyes?

puppies that are all white w/ blue eyes are blind

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Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Burst Stream of Destruction Dragon Master Knight Kaibaman Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon Paladin of White Dragon The White Stone of Legend White Dragon Ritual

Are all parts of a Smurf blue?

No. The smurfs eyes are white and in their nostril it is not blue either.

Are any of the smurfs colored red or white or are they just colored all blue?

There are red smurfs.When they have babies with the blue ones they have purple babies. 8D

How can your mom have blue eyes when she was born and now she has green eyes?

Almost all babies have blue eyes the day they are born. Your mother's eye color probably began to change shortly after her birth.