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Yes, many due in their larval form.

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Q: Do amphibians have lateral lines
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Do amphibians have a larynx?

Many amphibians are born with lateral lines. As they grow older, some amphibians such as salamanders lose their lateral line because it's no longer a necessity due to the fact they also walk on land.

Do amphibians have radial symmetry or bilateral symmetry?


How are lateral lines on septic tank repaired?

They are replaced. The old lateral field is taken out, new lines and gravel is are put down and covered.

Are lateral lines found in some mammals?


What are lateral sides?

They are straight lines that form the sides of a polygon.

Why do trouts have lateral lines?

the lateral line of a fish is a sensory organ,picking up vibration in the water,alerting fish to danger or prey.

What vertebrates have lateral lines?

penguins,bears,polor bears,chickens and pigs

Are Lateral lines on a fish or shark are found along each side of their body and are used for?

the lateral lines run along both sides of their body. they detect movement and vibration in the surrounding water. they are also sensitive to light and smell.

How does a fish sense its surrondings?

Fish have lateral lines as vibration sensors.Eyes as visual sensors.

Does a squid have a lateral line?

They do not have a lateral line but at least some have a lateral line analogue, the epidermal head lines, that are compromised of mechanosensory hair cells and detect water displacement (Budelmann & Bleckmann 1988, J Comp Physiol A)

What is the difference between lateral and longitudinal directions?

Lateral direction runs from east to west and longitudinal direction runs from north to south. Latitude lines are parallel and equidistant from each other. The distance between latitude lines is approximately 69 miles. The equator is at 0 degree latitude. Longitude lines are known as meridians and converge at the poles. Longitude lines are widest at the equator.

What organ in a perch fish is most closely related to the human ear?

the lateral lines. They pick up vibrations.