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Q: Do angel sharks live in the bottom of the ocean?
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Where in the world do angel sharks live?

Angel sharks are bottom dwellers that live on ocean floors of depths from 10 to 4,300 feet (3 to 1300 m). They live in warm temperate oceans in the southern hemisphere.

Where do angel sharks live?

Angel Sharks are endangered, because people living in Mediterranean countries catch angelsharks.

Do angel sharks live at the bottom of sea?

Yes it does live at the bottom of the sea

Do sharks live in the bottom of the ocean?

well, sometimes sharks hide in the in the bottom of the ocean and other sharks just want to find fish to eat in the bottom of the ocean.

Do sharks live near the surface of the water or the bottom of the ocean?

It always depends on the shark, so both, basically.

A tiger shark type of home?

the type of home tiger sharks live in is the bottom of the ocean.

What part of the ocean do cookiecutter sharks live?

It lives in a little part of the sea called bikini bottom.

Do shark live and the ocean?

if you mean "Do sharks live in the ocean?" Then yes sharks live in the ocean they can only survive in salt water

Are goblin sharks still around?

yes. they live at the bottom of the ocean and feed on whatever they can find down there.

Where do angels live?

Angel sharks live in warm, tropical waters around the world. They are also known as "Bottom-Dwellers" and they are harmless to human.

What types of sharks live in Spain?

There are no sharks that live in Spain. Sharks live in the sea/ocean.

Where do shark live in the ocean?

sharks live in every ocean but 70% of oceans are fry of sharks