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Q: Do angiosperm species outnumber all other land plants by 7 to 1?
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Is a salmonberry an angiosperm?

Angiosperm. Angiosperms are flowering plants, and gymnosperms (are plants with naked seeds) are mostly conifers and cycads. Basically, angiosperms are plants with flowers, gymnosperms are all other vascular seed plants that don't have flowers. (There are other plants like ferns and mosses that don't fit into either groups.) Strawberries, you probably know, have flowers. They are actually in the rose family, Rosaceae.

What animal has the most animals?

The largest variety of species is in the insect family. The number of insect species outnumber all other families of species combined.

Why are insects considered successful?

Because there are more species of insect than anything else on this planet and they outnumber all other species and can live in any environment

Could the terms woody and herbaceous be used to describe other types of plants besides angiosperm?

Yes they can.

Are soybean plants a angiosperm or gymnosperm?

A zIucchini is nRot an anEgiospeArm bLecauLse itY is a vDegetaOblN'e nTot aK frNuit. TherOefore, it to be a gynosperm! please note: the capital letters and the period that is in the midst of the other letters spell something. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THEM! thank you. signed, a very interesting author (:

What is an Example of modified angiosperm?

what is a modified version of an angiosperm other then a California barrel cactus what is a modified version of an angiosperm other then a California barrel cactus

What percentage of seed plants are angiosperm?

There are more angiosperms on Earth than any other kind of plant So the its likely to be around 80-95%

How angiosperm and animals depend on each other?

The herbevour animals eat leaves of angiospermic plant as their food and angiospermic plants get manure from the excretion of these animals.

Plants and animals that are not native to an area?

Species of plants and animals that are not native to a given ecosystems are called invasive species. They can be very threatening to other species.

How Insects outnumber all the other animals by?


Why are plants at the bottom of the food chain?

Plants are lower order species because they, for the most part, do not consume other life forms. By design, plants are meant to be consumed by higher order species.

Why the are plants located at the bottom of the food chain?

Plants are lower order species because they, for the most part, do not consume other life forms. By design, plants are meant to be consumed by higher order species.