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Humans have a straight curved spine when most animals have a C curved spine.

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Q: Do animal and humans have curved or straight spines?
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Why does the tail of a goat appear to be curved?

A goat's tail is just an extension of his spine. Spines are not ramrod straight. Spines have slights curves in them. So it is true of a goat's tail. There are also muscles in the tail giving the animal some control of movement.

Primates could not walk upright without?

A tail. Humans can walk upright without it because of the way our spines are curved.

Do pirhana's have backbones?

Yes, in fact they have curved spines.

What are some special health problems of a tiger?

Special health problems the tiger is facing now has to do with humans. Humans are inbreeding the cat for profits. In return, the animals are born with a lot of issues such as curved spines. The tiger is also an endangered animal due to the fault of humans.

Why do they have spines?

It is to help you stand up straight

What animal lives in a desert but has spines?

Hedgehogs live in parts of the Sahara and have spines.

Why is the man a vertebrate?

A vertebrate is any animal that has a spine. Humans have spines, so we are vertebrates. Animals that are not vertebrates (they are invertebrates) include snails, worms and jellyfish.

A scientist noticed that in acidic pond water some salamanders developed with curved spines this was a?


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Are people vertabrates?

Yes, humans have spines (backbones)

What animal with spines lays eggs?

The echidna is an animal which lays eggs. The echidna is covered in spines. Like platypuses, echidnas are monotremes, or egg-laying mammals.

What is animals are verebrates?

A vertebrate is an animal that has a backbone.Under this there are 5 groups.They are: mammals,fishes,birds,amphibians and reptiles. Examples of vertebrates are humans ,elephants ,frogs , toads, crocodiles, salamanders, eagles, doves, piranhas, and sharks.