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Q: Do animal cells swim through water?
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Can snakes swim in sand?

You can only swim in water, not in sand. No animal can swim in sand.

Is penguin a land animal?

A penguin is not a land animal. This animal can swim and dive in water. they catch their food in water too.

Do muskrat swim in salt water?

This animal is not adaptted to salt water.

How do chondrichthyes swim?

Animals swim because they have these special structure, and this are the fins and tails, but they cannot swim if they cannot breath under water and this is called gills. It really depends on the type of animal you are talking about. If you are takling about a shark or fish. Then, see above. If you are talking about an animal such as a hippopotums then they simply do what we humans call a 'Doggie paddle' they use their legs to basically 'Walk' through the water.

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What animal has webbed toes and how does this adaptation help the animal?

this animal is a duck with a adaption to help live and swim in the water .,,,,.

What plant cells actually swim?

The sperm cells of the plant can swim. They swim to the egg cells to reproduce.

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Are there other animals in a puffer fish habitat?

Yes. Animal Plankton (very tiny orgaisms that swim through the water and is basically food for the puffer fish.)

How do you swim on just cause?

You simply use the normal movement keys and mouse look to swim through the water freely, you automatically swim when you enter water.

What animal is a lizard?

a lizard is a green creature that can camouflage, can swim in the water and bumpy

What are flagella that are found in animals cell?

A flagellum is actually a sort of 'tail' that the single-celled animal whips back and forth to "swim" through liquid, like water.