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If by 'right' you mean nutritional and healthful foods, then obviously yes.

If, however, you mean the foods the animals would eat in their natural habitat, then often the answer is no. For one thing, not all food plants grow in all parts of the world; and few zoo-goers would want carnivorous animals (such as big cats and bears) to chase down live prey for their meals.

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13y ago

I'm afraid they don't. The zoo keeper is too busy with other animals and gives them the same everyday. They do not get the nutrients they need, and we really need to stop this from happening ASAP.

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As with all places, it depends on the zoo. There are zoos that take good care of their animals, and some that are wicked.

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Do zoos abuse animals?

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the extinct animals are in heaven and the endangered animals are all over the world in the wild and in zoos.

If animals are in zoos how come there are still extinct animals?

like what the first person said it all depends on the zoo a lot more animals would be extinct like the whit rhinos they are trying to keep that species alive so don't anybody get me started o the argument.