

Do any DVR's allow you to share your recorded shows?

Updated: 9/10/2019
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14y ago

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The EverFocus ECOR4 4-CH DVR w/DVD BURNER does that.

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Q: Do any DVR's allow you to share your recorded shows?
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What DVR has the most storage?

Most DVRS' start with the capacity to store about 30 gigabytes of memory, while you can easily order and pay for a larger one to store more movies and televisions shows. Many other DVRS' allow you to have 180 gigabytes of storage or more, however, it is possible to order DVRS' or DVR expanders that will give you the availability to hold 500 gigabytes of stored shows. No particular brand offers the single highest amount of storage for a DVR, but many varieties all offer similar sized models at a range of prices.

How do you get to your recordings on dvr?

The hard drives of DVRs are formatted in such a way that you cannot access files of recorded TV shows through a computer. This is to prevent duplication and copyright infringement. You can only watch them on your television using a remote or buttons on the unit.

Can you transfer shows from one DVR to another?

You can play a recorded show from one DVR but you cannot play it on another DVR. A DVR works similar to a computer that is not linked to any other computer or the internet. You may record something on a single DVR and the television it is linked to will save the show you want to watch at the particular time it plays. Then you will be able to go back at a later more convenient time and watch the show as you like. But if you two DVRS' in a house, one upstairs and the other downstairs, you can only play recorded shows on the DVR that you recorded the show on.

How do you get the dvr that records 5 shows at once?

In order to record 5 shows at once, you would need a DVR that has 5 separate tuners. The majority of DVRs only have a single tuner, and there are a few that have 2 tuners, but I have never heard of one that has 5.

How do you connect two DVRs to one screen?


Where is the best place to purchase a Comcast DVR?

There are several different places where Comcast DVRs can be purchased from. One's local television and network provider will have Comcast DVRs available, often paired with channel package deals. Another place to purchase Comcast DVRs from is a store such as Best Buy or The Source.

What is a dvr used for?

DVR stands for Digital Video Recorder. Very simply, it is a video recorder that records data as numbers rather than an analog process. The data is recorded either on to tape or a hard disk. Many commercial DVRs use tape but domestic DVRs tend to be disk based. Digital recorders offer more reliable recording than the older analog recorders such as VHS and Betamax recorders. Although digital does not automatically mean better quality, DVRs are far superior to their older analog counterparts in terms of image quality. DVRs are used in homes to capture broadcasts for viewing at a later time or they cab be used to capture the output from video cameras and other sources.

Is it possible to download saved programs from a DVR dish network to a camcorder?

Our DVRs use a certain programming language. You can transfer recorded events from the receiver to an EHD (certain requirements for the EHD) but you wouldn't be able to transfer to a camcorder.

How you can define the cctv dvrs?

CCTV DVRs are a home security system. They come with a DVR that stores all the data for playback and it also comes with cameras that can be installed out side of a home or business.

Who sells DVRs for CCTVs and how much do they cost?

You can purchase cctv dvrs online at, or It would be beneficial online, therefore you can compare prices, read reviews and return your product with no hassle.

Can you pause and rewind on live stream YouTube?

A DVR records in real-time, which means it records as you watch any channel on your television. This real-time recording allows you to pause or rewind your program at anytime. If you hit pause during a live show, for example, it continues recording the program as it progresses. When you hit play, you'll watch a recording of the show, starting where you left off and continue until it is over. With some DVRs, like TiVo, you can pause live television for up to an hour. If you need to pause longer than the pre-set amount of time, most suggest stopping the pause and record the rest of your program. Some DVRs even allow you to rewind live TV (some DVRs have limitations for how long you can rewind). Most DVRs will allow you to rewind up to pre-set amount of minutes. Like the pause feature, if you need to rewind more than the pre-set amount, they suggest recording and viewing the program later.

How is a DVD recorder different from a DVR?

You also can record on DVD rw disks and them transfer from the stand alone too computer too take out comercials.I don't know if you can take out comercials on a DVR's.The biggest difference between a DVD with recording capability and a DVR is:A DVR uses a Hard Disk Recorder (HDR) to digitally record movies and television shows from your TV to a hard disk (like the one in your home computer). DVRs record in real-time, which allow you to pause or rewind at any point in the program.A DVD recorder records to discs and not a hard drive like DVR. A disc has limited storage capacity compared to a DVR. It doesn�t have a hard drive or �real-time� recording capability.There are some DVRs that have built in DVD recorders. Some allow you to burn DVDs while you watch and record television shows and movies on your DVR or simply burn saved shows to your DVD to free up space on your DVR. Check with your local electronics store to see which brand would best suit your needs.