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Q: Do any child actors have Asperger's syndrome?
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How do you tell a parent that you think their child has Asperger's syndrome?

My mother-in-law showed my wife an article on Aspergers Syndrome. That's how we figured out that our daughter had it. Tell the parent to read the explanation of Aspergers on Wikipedia, and see if they can detect any similarities.

Do cats have Asperger's Syndrome?

no Aspergers is a human disorder which is impossible for any animal to have.

Does Annie Lennox have Aspergers Syndrome?

No, Annie Lennox doesn't have Asperger Syndrome. Annie Lennox doesn't show any outward signs of Autism - although women on the spectrum often hide their symptoms.

Do any duggar child have down syndrome?

Jenna does.

What is the difference between nonverbal learning disabilities and aspergers?

Aspergers is a type or form of nonverbal learning disability where someone has trouble communicating and learning because of their verbal skills and difficulties with verbal forms of communication.

How long does the marriage of a person with aspergers last?

Aspergers syndrome is a disorder having to do with a person's ability to interact socially. Because it is a social disorder, the general health of a person with this syndrome would not be affected. The life expectancy is the same as that of any other person. The movie "Rain Man" is about a man with Aspergers (or somewhere on the Autism Spectrum). It may give you a better idea of what it is.

Are fetuses with Down syndrome active?

Yes, any fetus is active. It doesn't matter if the child has down syndrome or not.

How should parents treat a child who has Down syndrome?

Like any other child? Why treat the child any differently because he or she has a disability. That would be discrimination.

Should you marry a girl whose brother has aspergers?

Well the better question to ask is do you love her? I mean you must love her if you want to marry her and the point is here if you love her then what does it matter if her brother has aspergers. If you are having doubts about whether your kids will have aspergers then you will have to talk to your doctor but it shouldn't matter because with or without the disease it would still be your child and you shouldn't love it any less.

Are there any specific phenotypes that are associated with Asperger's Syndrome?

Nope just genotypes. However in many cases that I've read or seen many people with aspergers tend to have red hair or hair with reddish highlights.

Can the therapist be correct that your 4 year old son has classic signs of Asperger's Syndrome?

for this you will need a second or even a 3rd opinion ASAP, if your son has the classic symptoms of this disease he will need immediate care. ---------------------- Added on 5/18/10: Aspergers is not a disease, it is a disorder, or even, more specifically, a syndrome. It is possible that a child exhibits signs of Aspergers, although 4 is a young age. Typically, young kids are given a diagnosis of Pervasive Development Disorder, because the kids seems "spectrum-y" but they can't pin down a specific diagnosis. Although, if the child exhibits superior intellectual ability, or other traits which are commonly found in Aspies (hyperlexia, for instance) then one could very possibly say that a child is showing signs of Aspergers, even if a diagnosis of AS can't be quite ascertained yet. Autism spectrum kids are being diagnosed earlier, and more accurately. If the person is qualified and capable of an accurate diagnosis, then it's not unheard of to see fairly obvious signs as young as 4. As far as immediate care, yes, Aspies do need help beginning as young as possible. Although, getting the wrong help can be more harm than help. I have Aspergers, so does my son, and I am an Aspergers Specialist, and I help (mostly) parents. I have found that when parents understand that Aspergers doesn't need to be "fixed", rather "managed" and guided, they see that really the parents play the largest part in the success of the child, over any single other thing.

Does aspergers syndrome cause people to be angry?

No. Anger is not a symptom of any sort of autism spectrum condition. But people may end up angry at having to live in a world where there are no adaptations or concessions for them, and where there is so much stress on them as a result.