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Texas, maybe.

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Q: Do any countries allow automatic weapons?
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Are machine guns legal or illegal in war?

There is not any specific prohibition against the use of fully automatic weapons ("machine guns") in warfare in the Geneva Convention treaties or any others with which I am familiar. Countries which have laws against automatic weapons generally write them in such a way that they specifically do not apply to properly authorized agents of government (such as soldiers) using them in the course of their duties.

Do any of Russians neighbor countries have any nuclear weapons?


What countries does the United States give nuclear weapons to?

The United States does not give or sell nuclear weapons to any country. The United States has stationed nuclear weapons on the territory of many countries, but always retained full control of them.

What are the goals the other major countries involved in nuclear biological weapons?

I know of no "nuclear biological" weapons, perhaps you meant nuclear, biological, chemical (NBC) weapons, which can be any one of these.

What is its defense weapons?

Any weapon you might want to use in a fight to defend yourself with. Countries that have them, even call their atomic bombs 'defense weapons'.

Which countries used nuclear weapons during the war?

The only country that has ever used nuclear weapons in any war was the US, at the end of WW2.

What is an automatic distance control?

An automatic distance control is any of a group of technologies which utilize radar, infrared and image processing to allow for a decentralized recording of the environment around a vehicle.

How have nuclear weapons made life easier?

They have enabled countries to become scared of waging war on any other countries, Due to nuclear Weapons, No Full scale world wars have been launched from the end of the Cold War.

Were nuclear weapons used in the cold war?

as you have been getting that message are they the same questions asked well no. you see they ask for countries, and this asks for just were there nuclear weapons? No there was not any nuclear weapons just threatening

Does Afghanistan have nuclear weapons?

NO. Afghanistan does not have nuclear weapons, nor did it have nuclear weapons at any time, nor has it been accused by other countries of having nuclear weapons. Afghanistan is also a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, for what that's worth.

Is it possible to have 2 primarys in MW2?

Akimbo allows you to dual wield primary weapons or you can purchase a JTAG console and hack the game to allow dual primary weapons of any type...

How is the npt enforced?

Every five years inspectors go into countries to see if they possess any nuclear weapons