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All muscle relaxers have the potential to make you fatigued or drowsy, some more than others. Methocarbamol (Robaxin) usually causes minimal drowsiness, and many people feel none at all. However, it usually needs to be combined with pain medication to work, and many pain medications are sedating by themselves. Skelaxin and Parafon are also less sedating than many others. Soma (carisoprodol), Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine), and Valium (diazepam) are all very sedating in most people. Be aware that the more sedating agents are often more effective, but if you need to be alert, you can try one of the others. Hope this helps Mark in Ilwaco A quick answer would be: Soma generally gives you more fatigue the next day than does Flexaril. But everyone reacts differently so you will have to go by trial and error.

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