

Do anything eat pandas

Updated: 11/12/2022
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Q: Do anything eat pandas
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Does anything eat the red pandas not what they eat what eats them?

Something eats red pandas?! But they're so cute!

What kind of trees do pandas sleep in?

bamboo leaves, although pandas will eat almost anything

Is there anything unusual about the way pandas eat?

no there is not an unusual way red panda eat

Does a panda eat anything that starts with m?

of course not! im an expert on pandas. pandas eat fruits and bamboo and some other vegeatables. they are so adorable aren't they!

Do pandas eat iron?

Pandas can't eat iron, at least not in its recognizable metal form.

What do pandas usually do?

pandas eat

What do black and white pandas eat?

what do black and white pandas eat

What do giant pandas always eat?

Giant pandas eat bamboo.

What are pandas favorite thing to eat?

Pandas favorite thing to eat is bamboo they eat a lot of it

What kind of shoots do pandas eat?

Giant pandas eat bamboo shoots.

What more pandas eat?

Pandas eat about 33 pounds of bamboo a day

What kind of soup do pandas eat?

Pandas only eat bamboo. No soup.