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Q: Do archdioceses write or enforce the laws for the Catholic Church?
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Why did martin luhter write the 95 thesis?

Because there were several things about the Catholic Church which he didn't agree with.Because there were several things about the Catholic Church which he didn't agree with.Because there were several things about the Catholic Church which he didn't agree with.Because there were several things about the Catholic Church which he didn't agree with.

Why isn't the name Catholic Church used in the Bible?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church wrote the New Testament, and decided which books would make up the canon of the Bible as we have it today. In other words, it preceded the Bible, and wrote it; authors do not normally include their names in their books - or answers for that matter. I do not write "PiusX says" although Wiki puts my name down at the bottom, you don't see me write it in the answer normally. In the same way, the Church does have "Church" in the Bible, but does not have "Catholic" in there. The word "Catholic" just means universal, and wasn't applied to the Church until the end of the first century.

To write a description of the main religion in Puerto Rico?

Check out Catholicism 101 or The History of the Catholic Church.

What is a good Humanities topic to write an essay on?

How about the reformation of the Catholic Church during the Renaissance. There is an abundance of information.

What document did Luther write that described the corruption of the Catholic Church?

It sounds like you are asking about the 95 Theses which Martin Luther nailed to the Castle Church door, but if you read them, you quickly realize that Martin Luther was not describing corruption in the Church but advertising his own ignorance of Church doctrine as most of them are dogmas that were perfectly Catholic.

Did the Catholic church use Christianity Judaism and Islam and rewrite one Bible?

The Catholic Church maintained the Hebrew Bible (in translation; not always accurate) and added to it the Christian Testament. They didn't adopt texts or precepts from Islam, because their Bible had been set in its permanent form long before the start of Islam. On the contrary, it was Islam that adopted certain things from Christianity.

Does St. Anthony's Catholic Church in Robstown Texas have a website that I can write to?

Yes they do have a webpage and here is the link for that:

Why were Greek and Roman works lost during the Middle Ages?

With the establishment of the Catholic church as the only church in Europe in the middle ages learning was basically gone along with the works of Greek and Rome. Some monks still kept and studied the ancient works, but the population couldn't read or write and soon forgot them. The Catholic church also made sure that all celebrations became religious celebrations in the Catholic tradition, so any ancient celebrations that had a pagan, Greek or Roman source became Catholic holidays. Christ Mass and Easter are two such celebrations that used pagan days for the creation of the new holidays by the Catholic church.

Do you capitalize Catholic school?

When you're referring to the Roman Catholic Church, you must use a capital because it is a proper noun.

How to write a Church Memorial Thank you letter?

How to write a church memorial thank you note

Why does the Catholic Church develop so many rules that aren't based on the Bible?

Nearly every rule of the Catholic Church has its basis in Biblical teachings - both from the Old and the New Testaments. You might give a specific example and we will try to explain how it is Biblical. Some rulings may be based on traditions which Saint Paul holds are as important as scripture.Roman Catholic AnswerIt is important to keep in mind that Our Blessed Lord established the Church, He did NOT write the Bible. The Bible was written by, formed by, defined by, and perserved by the Catholic Church. Without the Catholic Church there simply would be no New Testament. Every writer of every book of the New Testament (including the God, who is the primary author of Scripture) was a member of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church, in other words wrote the Bible in the first century after Our Blessed Lord's death. She did not establish which books were to be included and which excluded until the fourth century, and she has perserved the Bible inerrantly since then. The question then should be, are there any rules in the Bible that are not in the Church, and the obvious answer is No, they have one and the same source - God. Futher, the Catholic Church does not develop rules, she follows the rules that God has revealed to Her as needed for salvation, the first one, of which, is to believe in Our Blessed Lord, and to follow His Church, which is His Mystical Body and the way He has established to lead all people to heaven.

When a Roman Catholic bishop does wrong who can correct him?

Roman Catholic AnswerBishops are directly answerable to the Pope. If you are having a problem with a bishop, the first thing you should do is write to the Nuncio for your country. Church law always says that we must deal with a problem at the lowest level possible. If you do not get a satisfactory answer from the Nuncio, then you would write to the appropriate congregation in the Vatican.