

Do aspergers and depression symptoms overlap?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Do aspergers and depression symptoms overlap?
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I don't have all of the symptoms of Aspergers. I have a nephew with Autism. Is it possible not to have all the symptoms of Aspergers and still have the condition?

Each person who has aspergers has a different personality, and aspergers manifests itself differently in different persons. So, probably, no one who has aspergers has all the symptoms, because the combination is different in each individual.

Can people with Aspergers Syndrome also have symptoms of Tourette Syndrome?

Yes they can. People with Asperger's shockingly and usu. have a combination such as having Aspergers and OCD, or ADD, depression, anxiety, and Tourettes. In some cases developing schizophrenia can occur.

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What if your you suspect Asperger's Syndrome in your husband but he refuses to read about it?

You could talk to a psychologist and tell them the signs of Aspergers that your husband is showing. That way if your husband does have Aspergers he can get medicine for his symptoms, but not all people with Aspergers need medicine

What are some positive symptoms of depression?

Depression has very few, if any positive symptoms. Check out the related link for a list of the symptoms of depression.

How many different depression symptoms are there?

There are several different depression symptoms that can be caught early and some symptoms of depression that cannot be caught until much later on when the depression has reached a deeper level.

What are symptoms or postnatal depression and what are ways to reduce them?

Symptoms of postnatal depression is depression after the baby is born. Talking to a counselor is a good way to help reduce the depression.

What symptoms should appear when someone has teen depression?

Symptoms for teen depression are very similar to the symptoms for adult depression. Withdral from people and things that they usually associate with is one symptom.

What are the symptoms of aspergers syndrome?

Some of the symptoms of aspergers include failure to make eye contact, failure to pick up on facial cues, unusual facial expressions, and an inability to connect with others. These symptoms may change as a person gets older and learns how to better adapt to society. is an excellent resource to learn more about syndrome, as well as

Which are the typical postpartum depression symptoms?

Postpartum depression is sometimes called the baby blues. Typical postpartum depression symptoms include fatigue, insomnia, irritability and mood swings.

Are symptoms of depression universal, or does it vary by age, gender, etc?

Depression symptoms can be common or specific to a human variable such as gender, race, or age. Simply stated, all people can demonstrate fatigue or lack of appetite, but other symptoms are specific to things like a menstrual cycle or peer pressure in adolescents.

What are some of the main symptoms of depression?
