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Yes, they do! :) They also live in the yellow submarine! :)

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Q: Do atacameno tribes live in wool tents?
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Why do nomads live in wool tents in the Sahara desert?

Because will easy to move goats, sheep, water, tents, rugs....:p

What did Neolithic people invent?

Neolithic people invented agriculture, pottery, weaving, and the use of tools made from stone and bone. They also developed early forms of architecture, such as mud-brick houses and megalithic structures.

Where did the union soldiers sleep at night?

When on the march, Union soldiers usually slept in small shelter tents. These tents were carried in their knapsacks.

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Objects such as wool blankets and skills such as horsemanship among plains Indian Tribes are examples of the Colombian exchange causing cultural changes.Cultural Changecultural change

Where do sheep which provide wool live?

On farms

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Were do fine wool sheep live?

Fine wool sheep live on farms like all other sheep. The merino sheep breed is responsible for most of the fine wool produced in the world. There are many Fine wool stud farms around the world of which the FAIRWORLD Fine Wool Stud in South Africa is the most prominent.

Which countries is wool found?

Animals that produce coats that can be made into wool live on every continent except Antarctica.

What are some possible benefits to a nomadic lifestyle?

Some possible benefits of a nomadic lifestyle include experiencing different cultures, landscapes, and people, developing adaptability skills, and fostering a sense of freedom and independence.

Where are wool yielding animals found?

Animals that grow fleece -- from which wool is cleaned, carded and spun -- live on every continent except Antarctica.

How many Irish people wear wool sweaters?

If that particular Irish person happens to live in Illinois, yes we wear wool sweaters!

Can wool blends be worn year round?

Your answer depends on the climate where you live.