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If that particular Irish person happens to live in Illinois, yes we wear wool sweaters!

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Q: How many Irish people wear wool sweaters?
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What do the Irish were?

We(Im Irish-,english- and welsh-American)Wear Sweaters,Dresses,Hats and lots of the stuff you do

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What do people wear in Ohio?

they where sweaters,pants,shorts,tees and cutoffs.

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Rules are made to be broken. They definitely wear turtleneck sweaters

What does Ireland people where?

Irish people wear clothes the same as everywhere else! But many Irish and Northern-Irish wear Soccer or Gaelic Football team/club jerseys. (I should know I am from and live in Ireland)!!

Why do old people wear sweaters in the summer?

because they do not realize that sterling, va is the deep south

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for winter indian people mostly like to wear woolen such as sweaters and jackets

What do people in the US wear on Christmas?

Normally, people don't dress any differently than they do on any other day. Some people do wear Christmas sweaters, though.

Do Irish people wear normal clothes?

Yes, Irish people wear ordinary clothes, such as jeans, t-shirts, dresses, etc.

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No, Anybody can wear it. The Claddagh ring comes from Ireland but it is not for Irish people only.

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Letter sweaters.