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The devil is a religious construction originally imagined by the early Christians. Atheist are not concerned with the Devil since they are not concerned with religious matters and believing in supernatural figures.

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No. Atheism is the absence of belief in a god or gods. Atheists are non-religious and would not "worship" any spirit. "The Devil" is a product of religious belief- an imaginary, supernatural being originally based on a fallen angel. An atheist does not believe in supernatural gods or other beings. People who claim that atheist worship the devil are simply misinformed.

Atheists do not worship anything. Satanists worship the devil.

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Why do atheists worship the devil?

A:If atheists worshipped the devil, they by definition would not be atheists. An atheist is a person who believes there is no God and no devil, nor any other supernatural beings. An atheist believes that reason tells them that no religious belief is founded on fact.

Why are atheist sometimes thought to worship the devil?

Atheist's do not worship God. Atheist's believe in nothing (probably not even Santa or the Easter bunny!).Answer:Many people cannot accept that other folks do not think as they do. They think that as they obviously think in the "right" way, everyone who thinks in a different way must think in the "wrong" way. In this case they believe in god, and atheists don't, so atheists must be wrong. And the "wrongest" they could be would be is to work against god and that would be to worship the devil.Atheists don't believe in any god, the devil meets all the criteria od a god. So atheists don't believe in the devil either.

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Bill Donohue holds atheists in considerable contempt, but it is unlikely that he genuinely believe they worship the devil. However, he has called on atheists to apologise for the crimes of Adolf Hitler, conveniently forgetting that Hitler was a Catholic, not an atheist. Donohue presumably realises that worship of the devil would require belief in the supernatural, and therefore anyone who did worship the devil could not be an atheist.

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Satanists. If anyone says atheist, they're wrong. Atheists have no religion.

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Only Christians and Muslims believe in the devil, although perhaps not all do. Many famous people are agnostics or atheists, often privately so, and these people do not believe in the devil.

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Perhaps you are thinking of Presbyterians? If so, then the answer is: some do and some don't. Presbyterians, as a rule, are not atheists.

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Some atheists do. But it is impossible to cover such a large group with a generalization like that.

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The question is flawed for two reasons:It assumes all atheists think about Christians crying while praying. They don't.It assumes there is an authority that speaks for all atheists. There isn't.

Who is Madeline O'Hare?

If she is the person I think she is she is the founder of the American Atheists.

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It seems unlikely that many atheists think about such things! But, atheism isn't considered a mental disorder.

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A good rule of thumb for an atheists morality is that action should not inhibit the freedom or ability of others.

Are Roman Catholics who eat meat Atheists?

No. What makes you think that? No, they are omnivores.