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A good rule of thumb for an atheists morality is that action should not inhibit the freedom or ability of others.

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Q: Who do atheists think should decide what is moral or not?
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Why do christians think atheists are bad people?

Not all do, obviously. Some christians who take their moral guidance (nearly) entirely from their belief in god and the bible doubt whether it is possible to even be moral without that guidance. They sometimes think of atheists as capable of almost any action/behavior because of the atheists' lack of divine guidance.

Do traditional atheists believe in moral absolutes?

I am not sure what a traditional atheist is, after all if someone does not believe in religion then there is not much scope for different schools of nonbelief. It should also be noted that atheists are just as diverse in their beliefs and values as are Christians, Muslims or Hindus. I think most atheists believe in moral absolutes, but not necessarily moral absolutism. They accept that some things are always morally wrong - such as murder and rape. That is a moral absolute. But they may accept the right to self-defence, even if, in the extreme, this requires taking the life of another person. They believe that theft is always wrong, but then think about the starving person who steals food - how do we judge this? Some are uncomfortable about abortion, particularly late-term abortion, and euthanasia, but can not bring themselves to condemning those who perform abortions or euthanasia. Here I see no moral absolutes. Lying is immoral if done gratuously or for selfish reasons, but most atheists would accept that lying for a genuinely good reason, such as to avoid suffering or distress, is wholly justified. Once again, a distinction can be drawn between moral absolutes and moral absolutism.

Do atheists believe in what Christians think?

By definition, atheists don't believe in God; therefore they can't "believe in what Christians think."that being said, atheists do have moral guide lines, not unsimilar from christians or any other follower of any religion. the claim that atheists are immoral is totally unjustified.considering that atheism is merely not believing in a god, that is arguably the only definite belief that is opposed, an atheist can can believe in everything else that a christian believes aside from their position on faith.

How do you get a man to get married?

I think he should decide that on his own.

What do you think of atheists?

This isn't really an opinion service! Atheists are people who don't believe in a god. Plenty of people don't believe, there is no evidence that atheists are better or worse than theists - it's easy to think of evil things done by atheists (Stalin) or theists (911 bombers) just as it's easy to think of good things done by atheists (Churchill, Bob Geldof, Betrand Russell) and theists (Ghandi).Views on atheists differ widely.Among the religious, atheists are many times used a symbol of moral decay of society. To the religious, godlessness is something to be feared. Many people like to equate atheism with the works of brutal dictators and extremist leaders, like Stalin, Mao, Hitler, etc. This being said, there are plenty of religious people who understand that atheists are not evil simply because of their lack of faith.To atheists themselves, the idea that there is no such thing as God is simply a statement of rationality. It often does take courage to admit such a view, as it is not widely held in the United States. Generally, atheists are highly committed to social justice and the welfare of humanity as a whole.

Do atheists think like Karl Marx?

Some atheists do. But it is impossible to cover such a large group with a generalization like that.

What do atheists think the reason why Christians cry while praying is?

The question is flawed for two reasons:It assumes all atheists think about Christians crying while praying. They don't.It assumes there is an authority that speaks for all atheists. There isn't.

Is George Bush an Atheist?

George Bush snr didn't seem to think that atheists should count as Americans, so it's pretty unlikely. GW Bush repeatedly stated his belief in god, so neither are atheists.

Is eating meat is ever morally permissible?

Depends on what you believe. Personally I like a good steak and I don't think of it as a moral issue or not. Beef is raised to be eaten so it is neither a moral issue or not. You have to decide what works for you.

At what age do you think is the best to have kids?

I think the adult should decide if they are sensible and if they would look after it.

Who is Madeline O'Hare?

If she is the person I think she is she is the founder of the American Atheists.

Should you get a beagle?

You should first read about them,then if you think they are right for you,decide weather you want one or not.