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Q: Do bacteria or viruses or both contain genetic information?
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How bacteria and viruses are alike?

Both viruses and bacteria can cause diseases, reproduce, infect something, contain genetic material, and are single celled.

Why do Bacteria differ from viruses because bacteria have?

Because bacteria have only DNA as genetic material but viruses have RNA or DNA as genetic material. viruses are harmful but most of the bacteria are useful.

What are the similarities of eukaryote prokaryote and viruses?

They all contain DNA in there genetic material

What are viruses genetic materia?

Viruses contain either DNA or RNA.

What genetic material is in both viruses and bacteria?

DNA and RNA.

Do viruses and bacteria contain chlorophyll?

viruses: neverbacteria: most no, some yes

Do bacteria and virous have a nucleus?

Both bacteria and viruses are prokaryotic, which means they do not contain a nucleus. Both viruses and bacterium are not cells.

What are the main differences between a virus and a bacteria which enable scientists to classify them?

Bacteria are single-celled organisms that can replicate themselves. By this, I mean that they have all the genetic material to replicate (DNA & RNA). Viruses, in contrast, contain a piece of genetic material that is encapsulated by a protein coat known as a capsid. Because viruses only have a portion of genetic material, they have to infect a host organism and inject its material into the host and use the host to do the work for the virus. Since bacteria can "live" on its own and viruses cannot, bacterial infections can be treated with medications while viral cannot. In comparison of size, viruses are about 100 times smaller than bacteria. About of 90% of known bacteria live in a symbiotic relationship with humans. This means that the presence of bacteria is beneficial to both the bacteria and humans. In comparison, most viruses feed of the host to produce more viruses... therefore having no benefit to the host.

What are the smilarities between bacteria and viruses?

bacteria causes viruses 2nd Answer: My apologies, but the first answer is totally untrue. Both bacteria and viruses can cause disease, but bacteria are alive, and viruses are not. They both contain RNA/DNA to assure they are replicated correctly.

What are the similarities of viruses and prokaryotes?

They all contain DNA in there genetic material

Bacteria are called what because their genetic material is not contained in nuclei?

While it may be true that bacteria do not have nuclei like the other kingdom's of life, they still have genetic material, often as a singular circular strand. In addition, some bacteria contain smaller additional strands of circular DNA called plasmids that allow for additional properties, often impacting its antibiotic resistance and virulence. All the lack of a nucleus means is that the genetic material is not bound to a single area, it is free to roam throughout the cell. If bacteria did not have genetic material they would have no way of reproducing and spreading their traits. Genetic material is essential to the formation of new life forms and the expressions of characteristics. Even viruses which aren't even classified as alive contain genetic information!

What are some causes for diseases?

Diseases are often caused by viruses and bacteria or genetic factors.