

Do bacteria viruses attack and destroy other viruses?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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No. A virus must attack a cellular life form in order to survive.

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Q: Do bacteria viruses attack and destroy other viruses?
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How does swine flu get destroyed without antibiotics?

You cannot destroy a virus with antibiotics, because antibiotics kill bacteria not viruses. Tamiflu and other meds similar attack the virus, but it is not always successful, as viruses are quick to mutate and become immune to antivirals out there.

Does Bacteria have viruses?

No. It's the other way around. Certain types of viruses (bacteriophage) will target bacteria, and they use the bacteria to reproduce the virus, called the Lytic cycle: The virus DNA or RNA enters the bacteria, takes over and new viruses are produced and when they break out of the cell through the membrane they destroy the bacteria in the process.

Is there bacteria on bacteria?

There are no bacteria on other bacteria. Some bacteria do attack other bacteria by piercing their cell wall and injecting proteins.Viruses can attack bacteria. They are called bacteriophages.

What is a bacteria that infects bacteria called?

Bacteria do not infect other bacteria, but they can attack them.

What are the other organisms besides fungi and bacteria?


What are the properties of a virus?

A virus is technically classified as a non living entity. It can only survive and proliferate upon contact with its host. A virus is an obligate parasite - meaning it cannot survive in the absence of its host. I virus is composed of a smaller genome than a bacteria and has specific and limited functions. Bacteria on the other hand have organelles and other sub cellular structures in their cytoplasm. Certain bacteria are infections to humans. The mode of attack is very different for bacteria and viruses. While bacteria generally release toxins into the body, viruses invade cells, replicate within them and destroy the host genome resulting in cell death

Do pathogens directly attack human tissue?

Not always. Pathogens such as viruses must attack human cells to replicate. Other pathogens like bacteria can actually attack and distroy tissue or just cling onto the surface. (For example: Clostridium Difficile is a bacteria that can grow out of control in a person's colon; they cling to the walls and prevent the absorption of fluids, this results in diarrhea.) Some bacteria produce toxins that attack tissues.Yes some pathogens attack human tissue.Yes

How can viruses be helpful?

Viruses that are harmless to humans can be used to infect bacteria or other pests eg rabbits

Where does bacteria pick up other pieces of DNA after being infected by viruses?

Bacteria of the genus Lactobacilli.

What is a difference between bacteria and viruses shows that bacteria are living organisms and viruses are nit?

Part of the definition of a living thing is that it can reproduce itself, which a virus can't do. Bacteria reproduce like any other cellular organism: by cellular division. Viruses, however, can not reproduce themselves. Instead, they infect other cells and force those to make more viruses.

What is difference between viral disease and bacterial disease?

One is caused by bacteria and the other is caused by viruses. Only bacterial diseases can be successfully treated with antibiotics. Bacteria are alive, viruses are not. Viruses invade bacteria and take over their properties, including the ability to infect.

How could viruses be helpful?

Some viruses target harmful organisms. For example, bacteriophage viruses kill bacteria. Other viruses might kill mosquitoes or weevils or other harmful insects without hurting any other species.