

Do bald people sweat less

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: Do bald people sweat less
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Do people get bald?

No Bald areas are susceptible to decreased proliferation which means very much less dandruff. What others may notice as dandruff in bald men might have been in the areas that are not bald.

Do men sweat different depending on their age?

Yes, men may sweat differently depending on their age due to various factors such as metabolic rate, hormone levels, and overall health changes. Older men tend to have a slower metabolism and decreased hormone levels, which may affect their sweat production and sweating patterns. Additionally, underlying health conditions or medications taken by older men can also impact how much they sweat.

Are bald people really bald?


Does shaving your underarms cause you to sweat less?

No, but there is less hair for the sweat to be trapped in. (Freshly shaven skin will actually sweat more for a short period of time.)

What does deodorant do?

Deodorant is spread into the armpit to help mask the smell of sweat. They do not cause your armpits to sweat less, though. Antiperspirants plug the sweat glands up in your armpits so that you do sweat less. Most antiperspirants also have a deodorant in them as well, to not only help you to sweat less, but reduce any odor caused by the sweat in your armpits.

Will Vaseline make you sweat more?

i thought it made u sweat less. ):

Are American bald eagles stronger than people?

no bald eagles are weaker than people

Are bald people all forehead?

It is not correct to say that all bald people are forehead.

Can fat people sweat oil from sweat glands?

Not normally.

Does Higher humidity makes you sweat more?

Yes. You perspire to lose heat- from the evaporation of the sweat. In high humidity, sweat evaporates poorly, so you sweat more (because you are cooled less).

What color hair does a bald person have?

whatever color hair they had before they became bald (there is not a specific color for bald people)

How does antiperspirant help sweating?

It is able to close up your sweat glands, which makes you sweat less. It really helps