

Bald Eagles

The Bald Eagle is a large bird of prey, distinguished most commonly by its white ("bald") head. They mate for life, and the female is usually slightly bigger than the male. In this category you will find a variety of questions relating to the Bald Eagle's physical characteristics, habitat, and many other topics.

405 Questions

Where is the bald eagle last seen?

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Usually around large bodies of water, where they feed on fish.

What are a bald eagle's young called?

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Baby eagles are called eaglets.

How long does the mother bald eagle take care of her babies?

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Normally for several months, until they fledge and can hunt for themselves.

Do bald eagles eat other bald eagles?

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No. They would find it difficult to catch the falcon, and bald eagles feed mainly on fish and carrion.

Is a bald eagle a solitary animal?

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Usually solitary. Rare to be found in groups.

Do bald eagles eat opossum?

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I dont think anything eats porcupines

Where does the biggest bald eagle live?

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It depends

In zoology heaviest means largest so the Philippines Eagle would be largest but in size the Harpy Eagle takes it. In terms of longest wing span, the Wedge tailed eagle of Australia has the largest, with estimates of average wingspan ranging from 230cm to 250cm, with rare examples reputedly reaching 300cm.

The largest ever is the Haast's Eagle (Harpagornis moorei),with its body (4.7 ft) long, and (10 ft) across the wings and weighing at least (33 lb), it is now extinct.

The Steller's sea eagle is the heaviest living eagle averaging 15-20 lbs and the Philippine eagle is the largest in physical dimensions or size averaging a meter tall, 95-112 cm in length, longest legs and claws with the largest wing surface area. Harpy eagle is the bulkiest or lagest body mass in relation to its size.
There are several eagles that qualify for this title. It depends on how you decide to measure them though. You can do it through weight, wingspan, etc.

The Steller's sea eagle is the heaviest eagle in the world. It can weigh between 11 to 20 pounds. Its usual size range is 85 to 105 centimeters long and the typical wingspan is 195 to 230 centimeters.

The Steller's sea eagle is generally the largest eagle. In categories besides weight, other eagles may outmatch it but most people will say that this is the largest. It all depends on how you look at it, I guess.

What is the biblical significance of the Bald Eagle?

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Asked by DylanMilliren

Eagles are known for their vision and Native American cultures believe they are able to see into the near future. If you happen to see one fly by it is a sign that you are on the right life path, or if you are unsure about a tough decision or situation they are telling you things will work out fine. If the eagle lands somewhere you should watch the eagle's mannerisms and try to interpret their body language as they are trying to tell you something specific to you.

Where bald eagles nest?

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If your question is: What is a Bald Eagles nest called, then the answer is an aerie.

What is the physical characteristics of the bald eagle?

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There are many types of eagles.

Assuming you are talking about the "golden eagle", which is called "aigle royal" in French, I would use the words "majestueux" (to refer to the "royal" part of the name), maybe in the expression "son vol majestueux" (his majestic or regal glide), I might also use the words "son envergure de géant" to describe its large wingspan, something about the boldness of his beak and his piecing eyes, "ses yeux perçants et son noble bec crochu," his talons large enough to carry a kid (the sheep's kid, not a child) "ses serres puissantes pouvant arracher un agneau à sa mère" (let's be a bit dramatic there, like in an English documentary).

You can also talk about this nest or eyrie ("son aire haut perchée".)

The "fauconnerie", the art of raising birds of prey and hunting with them, is a very ancient discipline, and has an extensive vocabulary that is fun to learn, dating back to the Middle Ages.

What type of animal is the bald eagle?

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Eagles, They are suppose to be in the birds group. & They are!

Family, Accipitridae. Subfamily, Buteonidae.

What does a Bald Eagle sound like?

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They make high-pitched screeches and shrieks to warn off intruders in their territory.

What is the bald eagle's kin?

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The bald eagle's nearest relatives live a world away. They are the African fish-eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer) of sub-Saharan Africa and the white-tailed sea-eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)of Eurasia. The National Zoo has a nice site with lots of information. A link is provided.

What forest does the bald eagle live in?

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It is the only eagle native solely to North America.

The Bald Eagle prefers habitats near seacoasts, rivers, large lakes, and other large bodies of open water with an abundance of fish. Studies have shown a preference for bodies of water with a circumference greater than 11 km (7 miles), and lakes with an area greater than 10 km² (3.8 square miles) are optimal for breeding bald eagles.

For the source and more detailed information concerning this subject, click on the related links section indicated below.

Is bald eagle helpful or harmful?

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if you terrorize a rhino beetle it could harm you by biting you or whatever, that is why i don't recommend a rhino beetle because you could get hurt.

Can Bald Eagles see from birth?

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the bald eagle is never bald it's just called the bald eagle because at the time it was discovered bald ment white not hairless and no they are not bald when they are born

Why does the bald eagle represent freedom?

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You are thinking of the Ike dollar joke- the dollar honoring Eisenhower, the General and President.- the Eagle is in a sit-down like flight posture over the Moon. the joke was the Eagle s--- the Moon- or, as the patriotic lyricist might have it- God shed his WASTE on Thee! Popular during the seventies. the Eagle design was borrowed from the Apollo Xi moon-capsule official patch.- the first manned moon landing in l969.

Do bald eagles eat rabbits?

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depending on how big them eagle and rabbit's size compare to be

Where do bald eagles live near?

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The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocophalus) is native to North American and was once found from central Alaska /Northern Canada all the way down to central Arizona and the Gulf of Mexico. Granted, its range has been greatly reduced. Being that their diet is primarily fish, they almost always roost near open water.

How long are a bald eagle's legs?

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Two .

Do bald eagles eat salmon?

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Yes bald eagles will eat bass they are carnivores.

How many offspring does a bald eagle have?

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Normally 2 per year but 3 can also be a normal for some pairs

Do bald eagles urinate?

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there are two conditions on something being able to spit

  • it has a tongue
  • it's living

therefore, bald eagles can spit

I don't think so. Spitting requires lips nd eagles don't have lips.